Mputnal #934
Customary Use and Our 30A Legacy
“The truth of the matter is that many beach front property owners [A] built structures that block the view of a natural resource that everyone has a right to whether it is with the sense of human sight or touch. [C] Our legal system allowed you do block the views and possibly damage that resource for the rest of us [D] so you now have the "opportunity" to relax your legal right to keep people off your property.
1. Would you agree that the American Rule of Law protects American individual Liberties?
All property is “owned”. Either by private citizens/legal-entities or the Government. What is a “natural resource” property? Amber waves of grain of the Heartlands? Purple mountains majesties of the Rockies? Stark beauty of the Deserts? Just the white quartz sand beaches of Walton County?
[A] BFOs obtain/bought for fair market value the legal rights in title and “built structures” legally. Legally, property owners have the right to build in the space above the land but Walton Commissioners have used their police powers to limit that to 50 feet. But the Commissioners have not legal authority to determine WHO can use private property.
There is NO unalienable public right to anything on private property much less “a right to ... human sight or touch.” American property law does not distinguish between natural and not natural land resources. That seems to me to be a philosophical emotional desire for a “human right” to be Happy but it is not an American or Constitutional public “right” that is superior to American individual property rights, Liberty or Happiness. See 1. above.
[C] Then change the legal system that “allowed” whatever you and others have a sense of entitlement about. It’s not the opinion of the governments or courts that public views are illegally blocked or is superior to private property rights or that a “resource for the rest of us” was possibly damaged. Or can you provide some alternative facts?
[D] Yes, American private property owners have the right to private enjoyment and use or the right to share property with invited or “licensed” guests or not. That does not make BFOs criminals, “anti-human”, or even bad people for expecting others to respect their American private property rights FIRST, or if not, enforcing their legal property rights. It’s the, public customary use of private property, sense-of-entitlement CU agenda perpetuated by Commissioners, surfer dudes, and activist attorneys and the CU credibility and tactics that you and others should be questioning; not BFOs “opportunity” to do the “correct thing for humanity”. Respect and accept private property rights FIRST. BFOs are defendants with all legal property rights with NOTHING to prove or compromise.
Maybe discuss your philosophical “competing truths” next; “It seems like we have two competing truths in terms of "rights". Human rights versus Legal rights.