Thanks Kat, I look at them at then at my daughter who is 22 and I think, they were babies. Now that Kat has shared the photo of my parents, on their wedding day. I have to share how they met and it will explain that huge smile on my Dad's face.
Always Mom had told us that they met in an fender bender.
My Mom and her sister, who was about 2 years older, where out cruising on a Sunday afternoon the summer after my Mom graduated from High School.They lived in different counties and went to different high schools.
They were in my GrandDad's huge 4 door brand new Crysler tank of a car. He loved big cars. At the only traffic light in my hometown, my Dad "bumped" my GrandDad's car in the rear while the light was still red with his two door hot rod coupe. He was somewhat of a rebel back then.
Well my Aunt is a very fiesty someone and she jumped out to read him the riot act about hitting them, as it broke out the tail light. My Mom got out on the passenger side and just kinda stood around, not saying much.
My Dad introduced himself and told my Aunt, if she would give her a phone number and address, he would come out to their house and pay for the light and apolgize to her Father.
Well my Dad had already scoped my Mom out a week or so earlier and this was the only way he could figure out how to meet her. So the finder bender was no accident.
The week my Dad had his heart attack and stroke, this woman came to the hospital. At that particular time my Mom was there alone, and she thought the woman looked familar and of a similar age as her and Dad but she could not place her.
She asked my Mom is she knew who she was and Mom said, You look very familar but no I am sorry I can't recall your name." She said I am Patty Webb Thurman his high school girl friend" Of course as soon as she said her name, Mom remembered her. Mom said Patty was quite the beauty queen, Prom queen, cheer captain in high school.
She said, I was in the car the day you met him. Which my Mom never knew. Patty said, We were on date, and were going to the drive inn, and were just cruising around town waiting for the time for the movie. When he saw you and your sister pass by he did a turn around and pulled up behind you at the traffic light and went right on and hit you.
After talking to your sister he got back in the car and we drove off. I thought we would be going on to the movie, but instead he took me home and put me out. When I asked him, "Why?", he grinned and said, "Because I just met my wife."
Come December 28th, they would have been married 60 years and only spend 3 nights apart.