I took my Mom to the doctor for a regular checkup a couple of weeks ago. Her mental facilities are deteriorating rapidly, and she has lost a lot of weight. The doctor told me that she has Alzheimer's anorexia and that she didn't have long to live. With tears in his eyes, he told me that she would die peacefully and with no pain. He didn't recommend taking extraordinary measures to save her, such as a feeding tube. I totally agree because that would cause her to be institutionalized and suffer pain, when now my siblings and I have decided to pay for someone to stay with her in the security and comfort of her own home. The doctor said that basically my Mom's body is healthy, but she has "left the building." I had come to a realization of this in the past few months, but it was incredibly difficult to hear someone verbalize this. Mom was sitting right there when he said this, and she wasn't lucid enough to understand what he was saying.
I love you, Mama. As a direct quote from you, Mama, which some of you on this board will remember, I will say that "even if I saw you every day, it wouldn't be enough. I love you."