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Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
JC said:
Sorry for the post ...I guess it was kind'a stupid :love:

No worries...how could we stay upset at a face like that?!!


little sugar
Jan 12, 2005
St Louis Missouri
Smiling JOe said:
These posts have nothing to do with the "bright side," so I created a thread for you.

The bright side?
When people are forced to change, sometimes they find a better place in life. Change in our routine may bring a needed change of life, job, friends, addictions, etc. This storm could give many people a chance to shake up the cards in their deck of life. Maybe they feel others reaching out and see the importance of friends, even the importance of friends whom they will never meet face-to-face. As mentioned in another post, a sense of community, like no other, can be created. Imagine what people will be forced to do without having television available? The sky is the limit. Perhaps poeople will begin to think for themselves, instead of listening to all of the crap on TV. Get out and meet some neighbors. Do more than that, help their neighbors, the youth helping the elderly out of compassion. Live a bit. Celebrate life. Is it possible for people to stop thinking of only themself? Absolutely, it is possible. "Imagine," as John Lenon sang. Just imagine, and you will begin to notice the endless possibilities of bright sides of such a destructive & powerful storm. Maybe Mother Nature is trying to remind us of the things which are most important in life. See Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The need for community and belonging comes long before self-actualization. I think this sense of community is a key step that is missing from our lives all across America - I am talking about on local scale. We are too busy trying to look good, when we should be giving to our community. On this board, I realize I am preaching to the choir. I would not know this if I, too, had not at some point been focused far ahead of where I was at the time.

In summary, it is often difficult to see the good side of that which we perceive to be bad. If you are in space, on the dark side of the Moon, you will never see the other half which is glowing brightly. Likewise, the reverse is true. When we are so busy seeing only the bright side, we tend to forget that the dark side exists, yet it does.
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: SJ...things that make you go HMMMMMMM....
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