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steele mama

Beach Fanatic
Mar 14, 2005
Newnan, Georgia
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

Oldtimer said:
Well, said, Baby Sis, but as much fun as the Red Bar is and as much as we all enjoy going there and Borago, too, I still long for the old times and the truly laid back days when THE STORE was the THE place and no one locked their doors and there were no rules.

The beach is still truly beautiful at Grayton and Western Lake is still serene at sunrise and full moon.

I HATE that the Seagrove Market is going away (it will NOT be the same, no matter what folks promise). We went to the Market long before it was "cool". It was just the only place nearby and always had good food! We eat there every time we're down (or up depending on where we come from). They always had meat, veggies, and stuff to make a complete meal. Good wine selection, too.

Oh, well, I'll still work to keep the PINK house like things used to be as much as my siblings will allow. My dad finally added indoor showers about eight years ago. Naturally, I was opposed (who wants more showers to clean????)

Just some of my 2 cents worth.....Happy 2006!
Hey sis. I was almost changing my mind and heading that way but my good sense (what there is of it) is getting the best of me. I hope you, Ralphie, J & B enjoy each other's company and relax. Not to worry!!! Love you! :love:


SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2004
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

We were staying at Grayton Beach the last day Patrone's was open. My youngest daughter was the last customer. She bought a large sea shell. It would be great to be the the last customer at the "old" Seagrove Market. I would love to have the last grouper sandwich served there. People will talk about the Market for years to come.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
South Walton
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

steele mama said:
Things change. Thanks to the Friends of Grayton who helped to limit the construction of condos on the beach. Large houses still go up...things change...patrones is gone...more houses...however, the beach is still as beautiful as it was 50 years ago and I'm sure 100 years ago and I'm sure 2000 years ago.

Yes, things change and evolve. I understand that. And I will miss the Seagrove Market, but my main fear is that this massive, out of character, condo building will be the start of a trend in Old Seagrove. If you look at the little Pickets building next to this big condo building, there's just no compatibility. Personally, my view out over the trees will now be interrupted by a 4 story building. I can live with that, and expected it to happen at some point, I just hate to think that in a few years from, there will be many 4 story condo buildings along the beach in Old Seagrove. If one condo building is there, then it's easier for the next condo building to claim compatibility. Perhaps we need a "Friends of Old Seagrove" to limit the construction of condos on the beach, as was done in Grayton.


Beach Comber
Jul 11, 2005
Carrollton, GA/Seagrove Bch
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

In a conversation with a young man at the Market this evening, he said they would probably be closing in April although there is some discussion of relocating to the Wheelhouse. The Market is one of our favorite places and regardless of where it reopens, it just won't be the same.

steele mama

Beach Fanatic
Mar 14, 2005
Newnan, Georgia
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

SGB said:
Perhaps we need a "Friends of Old Seagrove" to limit the construction of condos on the beach, as was done in Grayton.
That is a great idea. I think there are already plenty of condos at Seagrove. At Grayton they are suppose to be single family dwellings but they make them 3 stories on stilts and sleep 30. We have to count our blessings for those 4 story houses compared to the condos that people wanted to build. :eek:


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

imasunbum said:
Would "South of Montgomery, AL" mean only on the southern outskirts of Montgomery or to a city south of Montgomery???

Here's an article: Sandor


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

SGB said:
Yes, things change and evolve. I understand that. And I will miss the Seagrove Market, but my main fear is that this massive, out of character, condo building will be the start of a trend in Old Seagrove. If you look at the little Pickets building next to this big condo building, there's just no compatibility. Personally, my view out over the trees will now be interrupted by a 4 story building. I can live with that, and expected it to happen at some point, I just hate to think that in a few years from, there will be many 4 story condo buildings along the beach in Old Seagrove. If one condo building is there, then it's easier for the next condo building to claim compatibility. Perhaps we need a "Friends of Old Seagrove" to limit the construction of condos on the beach, as was done in Grayton.

And for their next trick the developers will try to get into bed with the local politicos who will declare the old neighborhood "blighted" and pull the "eminent domain" card.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

Who would have ever thought that I would be talking about driving to Montgomery, AL to eat. Wow! The new Sandor's sounds like my kind of place. Thanks for the update, Shelly.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 19, 2005
Re: goodbye Seagrove Market

In order to make room for the Hotel Viridian at the intersection of County Roads 30A and 395 two long-time businesses will relocate.
Broker-agent Donna Crawford said Seagrove on the Beach Realty is moving temporarily into a doublewide trailer next to Yianni?s Seafood Grille on 30A. When the Viridian is complete, Crawford will have a spot in the first floor retail section of the complex.
George Hartley, owner of Seagrove Village Market, is in negotiations with Alys Beach for a permanent site, but retail spaces there are unavailable for up to two years. Hartley has his eye on a temporary location where he can serve up his famous grouper sandwiches at lunch and dinner.
Hartley also promises the restaurant will return in some form at its original location.
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