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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2007
I no longer stay in Dune Allen
At least we are somewhat making an argument for American rights and privileges rather than discussing what Howard Stern says on the Jimmy Kimmel show. That topic would belong in the Lounge.

Jo, what about the rights of the land owner? Because you think the difference of wet and dry has a meaning does not make it right. Whats right is the Land Owner has the right to protect whats theirs. What happened to the rights of the one who pays property taxes to provide public access areas? Does this mean just because its wet or dry you can bend it into your way. I will bring all my drinking buddies to your yard this weekend an party on? Leave behind all our trash? Is this OK Jo?

You bring with you the "RIGHTS" of the American living in the USA. Jo, this is not a scare tactic... In 2001 every American lost the Right to do anything unless the government approves it or just don't care. Let you think on that one Jo.

I am not hear to debate you Jo, Freedom of speech and all that. Just simply making a point that I feel the war in the middle east needs to be everyones front thought. It is what it is as they say. You have your own ideals and until a government Representative disagrees with you are free to do so.

Theres an old saying Jo, "Remember the Alamo!" soon it will be ..."Remember the Patriot Act!"

Jo, enjoy your day and happy holidays to you... I will leave this thread alone in hopes it will die its well needed death.

Gent's its just simple, sorry it went above ones head... "Me thinks there are more important things in life than someone protecting thier property rights and to sit on a BB and play backseat quaterback." Me also thinks some have a axe to drop on the "Rich" and or Blue Mt Beach folks. I read enough of this thread to see how some are just plain bull headed and put the blame on 'De Udder guy". Grow up ... its that simple.. have a great life, It seems at an average of 19.58 post per day someone has a very limited veiw on the REAL outside. This of course is just my opinion. LOL gesh... What a wonderful day it is today.
Gibberish..I had to look up your other posts to see if I was being put on as to your command of the english language. You seem to be able to post coherently when kept to 10 words or less.

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
Gent's its just simple, sorry it went above ones head... "Me thinks there are more important things in life than someone protecting thier property rights and to sit on a BB and play backseat quaterback." Me also thinks some have a axe to drop on the "Rich" and or Blue Mt Beach folks. I read enough of this thread to see how some are just plain bull headed and put the blame on 'De Udder guy". Grow up ... its that simple.. have a great life, It seems at an average of 19.58 post per day someone has a very limited veiw on the REAL outside. This of course is just my opinion. LOL gesh... What a wonderful day it is today.
Eddie Lewis, I don't know who you are and have never seen your posts previously, but they appear to me to be a bunch of crap and certainly not related to the subject at hand. BMBV and I live on the beach. Its usage is important to both of us. We disagree on that usage. That doesn't necessarily mean we disagree on the Iraq war but it doesn't matter. That is for discussion on another thread. I, myself, am relatively new to this website and am trying to learn the etiquette for this board which I think is a wonderful concept. My suggestion to you would be to try and do the same. Welcome aboard.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Gent's its just simple, sorry it went above ones head... "Me thinks there are more important things in life than someone protecting thier property rights and to sit on a BB and play backseat quaterback." Me also thinks some have a axe to drop on the "Rich" and or Blue Mt Beach folks. I read enough of this thread to see how some are just plain bull headed and put the blame on 'De Udder guy". Grow up ... its that simple.. have a great life, It seems at an average of 19.58 post per day someone has a very limited veiw on the REAL outside. This of course is just my opinion. LOL gesh... What a wonderful day it is today.

and you are posting this on what? a bulletin board, in a thread about being led away in handcuffs. Are you really disappointed that you, yourself, are not stopping the war? Get Fo Real.

As for the number of post one averages, so what? I have no idea who you are or what you do, but even with my high number of posts, I bet I still have more real life experiences than most. Some people don't sit around watching tv, and choose instead to find out and share information about the place where we live. Some people also have children they raise or spouses with whom to share time, so their post count may be a little low. Some people also feel more restrained in what they say. Now stop complaining about people spending time on a bulletin board if you are going to be joining in the bulletin board conversation. It is just silly. By the way, someone else recently said that I average 2 minutes time spent per post, so at a rate of 20 posts per day, that is only 40 minutes of typing per day.
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Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
Here's an email I received today:

I heard that attorney Matthew Burns, who represents "some gulf front property owners", has developed and is proposing an Ordinance he wants the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to enact. In essence, the Ordinance would recognize private ownership of some of our beaches and establish that the County does not recognize the Customary and Historic use of our beaches by the public.
Burns is supposed to present this request at the BCC meeting next Tuesday. He previously warned the BCC to not pass an Ordinance that recognizes Customary and Historic Use that would allow the public full access to and use of all Walton County beaches.
It is interesting that next Tuesday's BCC meeting was supposed to be held at the County Court House in South Walton County, where the beaches are, but has been moved to the County Court House in DeFuniak Springs, north of the bay

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Interesting ordinance proposition, and something that, in my opinion, the County cannot legally pass, since they don't have the authority to determine Customary and Historical Use. I will add that if they do have the authority, and they were being truthful, they was show just the opposite, that the beaches in WalCo have been customarily used by the public for many years. This County would dry up in a heart beat if they actually enforce the public siting on privately deeded beaches in WalCo. Want another Tea Party? The BCC meeting is about 4 days early.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
Here is an excerpt from the Aug 13, 2002 BCC meeting minutes. It is on the county's website.

Commissioner Pauls brought up the issue of the public?s right to traverse the beach due to a recent incident between a member of the public and a beachfront homeowner. He stated that after review of the legal documentation provided, his conclusion would be that the public has a right to use and traverse the beach, including the white sandy area of the beach. However, there is still uncertainty as to what that area is. He stated that he has spoken with Deputy Gray from the Sheriff?s Department who agrees that there is a problem. He suggested scheduling public workshops to discuss this issue further supporting the public?s right to use and traverse the beach.
Mr. Wilde stated that there a more deeds that show ownership to the mean high water line than first thought. He explained that Judge Green has declined to accept a criminal trespass citation and immediately wrote an opinion suggesting the property owner have the mean high water line surveyed. Mr. Wilde stated that several people have assured him that the mean high water line is in the water, but they are unsure how far into the water. He stated that the most important issue is the safety and welfare of the citizens and visitors to Walton County. A policy needs to be developed for the Code Enforcement Officers and the Sheriff?s Department to follow. (Tape 3)
Mr. Mark Austin stated that the Board needs to stand on the side of the people in order to protect funding that comes from the property owners. If the beach is taken away from the public then visitors will no longer visit the beach areas or spend their money in Walton County. He stated that one issue needing to be addressed is "Florida?s Sovereign Land", that part of the beach that is hit by water at any time; this is public land.
Commissioner Walker stated that this is a decision that needs to be addressed by the courts. Commissioner Pauls stated that a policy is needed that can be followed. Attorney Vorbeck stated that an ordinance needs to be adopted stating basically what the Tony Rama case stands for and recognizing the fact that this issue will go to court.
Commissioner Ryan stated that an ordinance needs to be drafted to allow the public free use of the beach. He also suggested contacting other counties who have had to deal with this issue. Attorney Vorbeck requested the Board acknowledge that they are willing to spend the money it will take to go to court once an ordinance is drafted. Commissioner Walker stated that the Board of County Commissioners has always stipulated that the white sand areas of the beaches are public. Commissioner Ryan agreed.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
So the BCC has recorded minutes stating that the beach has been cutomarily used by the public. So much for that proposed ordinance.

I really think the BCC knows the risks of lawsuits from Gulf Front property owners, and aren't likely to want to pay the costs associated with the lawsuits. They'd rather let you and I get arrested and fight that beast with our own money.

As I see it, the only way to get this issue to the forefront is to have several thousand beach goers set up their towels on the dry sandy beach in front of property owners who are calling the cops and reporting trespassing.
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