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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
A little off-topic, but does anyone knows if the county has a definition for "wet sand?" I walk along the shore almost everyday and wonder at which point the sand would be considered dry ? legally.
I always thought wet sand meant wet sand and have thought about misting the entire area where i sit or stand with a squirtbottle, just to push the point. You could also dig until you hit wet sand.

Also off topic, I wonder if business owners and rental owners could file a class action lawsuit of damages against the Gulf Front owners who run people off for trespassing. You know that everyone's business will suffer if they stop people from sunbathing on the beach. :dunno:
Aug 30, 2007
3rd Rock from the sun
OMG, This is unreal, we are fighting over a piece of land that was created by God and loaned to man. Folks I know little about the local Sheriff, but I will say this. If a law was being broken and the person debated the law with the officers for what appears to be an hour or more? And some wonder why the police are slow in answering a call? And now I see a call to protest? Please take a deep breath... Anyone know how many American young men and women died today in the Middle East? Now that?s just plain awful in my opinion.
I seen where someone posted the other night applauding the forestry service for the burn offs, But yet the elderly that where locked down inside their homes because the air was thick with acidic smoke? Please someone point me to Eden?
In closing please pray for the men and women in our military and the innocent people dieing over religion and oil.

Gods Blessings to all!

Happy Holidays?

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Eddy, do you not think it possible to fight for property rights as well as care about what is happening in the middle east? It was I who was saying that the control burns are a good thing in my opinion. You can point out the smoke problems, but I could also counter that with worse scenario of an out of control fire which does more than fill the air with smoke.

War is an interesting beast, and behind each war, there stands politics or religion, and often, both. We can say that the war about whatever, but in the big picture, our troops have sacrificed so that we can have freedoms, even to argue over such things as a simple right to sit peacefully on the beach. At least we are somewhat making an argument for American rights and privileges rather than discussing what Howard Stern says on the Jimmy Kimmel show. That topic would belong in the Lounge.

Now what is it exactly that you want me and BMBV to do to make Bush and Congress stop spending billions of Yen, I mean US Dollars on the war, and get our troops out of the middle east? Don't think that the current war doesn't weigh on most American hearts, in some form or fashion.
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Aug 30, 2007
3rd Rock from the sun
At least we are somewhat making an argument for American rights and privileges rather than discussing what Howard Stern says on the Jimmy Kimmel show. That topic would belong in the Lounge.

Jo, what about the rights of the land owner? Because you think the difference of wet and dry has a meaning does not make it right. Whats right is the Land Owner has the right to protect whats theirs. What happened to the rights of the one who pays property taxes to provide public access areas? Does this mean just because its wet or dry you can bend it into your way. I will bring all my drinking buddies to your yard this weekend an party on? Leave behind all our trash? Is this OK Jo?

You bring with you the "RIGHTS" of the American living in the USA. Jo, this is not a scare tactic... In 2001 every American lost the Right to do anything unless the government approves it or just don't care. Let you think on that one Jo.

I am not hear to debate you Jo, Freedom of speech and all that. Just simply making a point that I feel the war in the middle east needs to be everyones front thought. It is what it is as they say. You have your own ideals and until a government Representative disagrees with you are free to do so.

Theres an old saying Jo, "Remember the Alamo!" soon it will be ..."Remember the Patriot Act!"

Jo, enjoy your day and happy holidays to you... I will leave this thread alone in hopes it will die its well needed death.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Jo, what about the rights of the land owner? Because you think the difference of wet and dry has a meaning does not make it right. Whats right is the Land Owner has the right to protect whats theirs. What happened to the rights of the one who pays property taxes to provide public access areas? Does this mean just because its wet or dry you can bend it into your way. I will bring all my drinking buddies to your yard this weekend an party on? Leave behind all our trash? Is this OK Jo?

You bring with you the "RIGHTS" of the American living in the USA. Jo, this is not a scare tactic... In 2001 every American lost the Right to do anything unless the government approves it or just don't care. Let you think on that one Jo.

I am not hear to debate you Jo, Freedom of speech and all that. Just simply making a point that I feel the war in the middle east needs to be everyones front thought. It is what it is as they say. You have your own ideals and until a government Representative disagrees with you are free to do so.

Theres an old saying Jo, "Remember the Alamo!" soon it will be ..."Remember the Patriot Act!"

Jo, enjoy your day and happy holidays to you... I will leave this thread alone in hopes it will die its well needed death.
BMBV and many others are fighting for that side. You really don't expect me to fight for two opposing sides, do you? Sure sounds like it.

Who said the war isn't on my front thought just because I am arguing points for beach usage? Sounds like you came into this thread making the point that troops are dying and that we should devote all of our attention to the war, but then with your other comment, it sounds like you own Gulf Front property in Blue Mtn Beach.

As for the Patriot Act, ask Skunky or others about my thoughts on it. I state them often. Now back to the subject at hand. Perhaps you can start new threads about the war and the patriot act. I'll post a thing or two.

For the record, the tourists pay the taxes for maintaining the public beach accesses.
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Aug 30, 2007
3rd Rock from the sun
Gent's its just simple, sorry it went above ones head... "Me thinks there are more important things in life than someone protecting thier property rights and to sit on a BB and play backseat quaterback." Me also thinks some have a axe to drop on the "Rich" and or Blue Mt Beach folks. I read enough of this thread to see how some are just plain bull headed and put the blame on 'De Udder guy". Grow up ... its that simple.. have a great life, It seems at an average of 19.58 post per day someone has a very limited veiw on the REAL outside. This of course is just my opinion. LOL gesh... What a wonderful day it is today.
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