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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I am most definitely not advocating increased density!!! I would be quite happy if they weren't allowed to build any more condos in Sowal.

I brought up One Seagrove Place as an example of many people being able to share and enjoy the beach if people weren't being arses about "their" beach.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Good point, Scooter. What I find interesting is that, with the exception of The Retreat, the only crowded looking beaches in Blue Mtn Beach, are the ones which have the posted signs for no trespassing. :funn:
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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Originally Posted by CampCreekLou [ame="http://sowal.com/bb/showthread.php?p=265625#post265625"]

It appears that the dark blue beaches on your image should be 'PUBLIC". Is that correct? I've labeled them "No Problem?" from the Walton County GSR. Notice how the property lines stop at the dunes.


You are correct that the properties to the east of the 83 access do not own to the MHWM. Those properties are defined otherwise on the plat.

SJ, you are factually incorrect here.​

It is definitely a problem now (and it was back then). That property is private property, no doubt about it. So I guess my graphic that I posted earlier on this thread is just about right...the majority of Blue Mountain Beach is private.

....back to searching for your multiple posts regarding prescriptive easements.;-)​


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Fair enough and yes, there are problem areas, I just didn't want to go to jail where I go to the beach :D

By the way, when this is resolved I am counting on you to post the map that accurately represents the BMB beach since you posted the first one. BTW, I realize that it may be the same one, but as a stand-up guy I would expect you to shoulder the glory or the blame and I will be right behind you saying you were right....or wrong :D
The dark blue is indeed private property (as are all the other colored parts of the beach except for green).
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Beach Fanatic
Jun 16, 2006
The dark blue is indeed private property.

Interesting. Do you have any background (or inside) information on when and how the ownership boundaries moved to the Mean High Water since the original plat just said beach and clearly defined a box of ownership for the upland owner?


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Interesting. Do you have any background (or inside) information on when and how the ownership boundaries moved to the Mean High Water since the original plat just said beach and clearly defined a box of ownership for the upland owner?

The beach part "was" still owned by the original developer and NEVER deeded to the county. It is now divied (or should be) up among the gulf front lots.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004

SJ, you are factually incorrect here.​

It is definitely a problem now (and it was back then). That property is private property, no doubt about it. So I guess my graphic that I posted earlier on this thread is just about right...the majority of Blue Mountain Beach is private.

....back to searching for your multiple posts regarding prescriptive easements.;-)​

Well, I appreciate your concern for that property, so I double checked myself, and I stand by my statements after reading the legal description of the platted subdivision, which can be found in Plat Book 2, Page 41, Atlas Page 86.

To keep it simple for all to understand, I'll quote only the southern boundary line of the subdivision to which your refer, Blue Mountain Beach Subdivision No.1:

"thence in a northwesterly direction along the bluff line of the Gulf of Mexico to a point on the East Right of Way line of said State Rd No. 83..."

I'm not sure how you are reading the parcel map, but it looks like it corresponds to the plat for that s/d.

I will also point out that the individual Gulf Front parcels in that subdivision are platted with specific depths from the road, and those do not go to the Gulf, only the dune line.

I know I've said all of this before, and that you have questioned me on this before, the plat book has not changed. I don't know how to keep showing you the same factual information, recorded in the Clerk of Courts, and get you to see the facts. :dunno:

Don't feel bad if I stop replying to your circles of questions. I'm growing very tired of that and will likely not continue to do so. ;-)
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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
The dark blue is indeed private property (as are all the other colored parts of the beach except for green).
That is incorrect information. Now you are taking what was never deeded to private entities and saying that it is privately owned. Kindly correct your posts as to not confuse people.
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