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Beach Fanatic
Jul 11, 2007
Photo taken east of Eastern Lake. Now this can't be right :dunno:
To the Gulf of Mexico? Isnt' it the Mean High Water? Have we also now lost the right to the wet sand (unless it's underwater) :dunno:


How far east? Is this near SanRoy? I'd like to take a look. Thanks.

Also, I have seen Gulf front property surveys that indicate an exact distance North/South and depending on when they were created, it can appear they extend into the Gulf presently. But, Florida claims sovereignty over the lands under water. I think it is unwise to continue paying tax for the original parcel size when it has decreased, but many people do.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
It is east of the Eastern Lake outlet, but before you get to Beachside Villas. So that would be the San Roy vicinity, correct.
BMBV, the cat doesn't much like it :D


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
As a fairly new poster here, but a long time (20+years) resident, I have spent most of today reading this thread and would like to share a few things that I observed over time in SOWAL. When I first moved here there were no arguments about public/private beach. Most people here used a bit south of the vegetation line, or where the seaweed became dry as the MHTL. The tide had to have been that high at some point very recently for the seaweed to have been deposited there, right? But I noticed an alarming trend about 12-15 years ago when reading the real estate ads I saw realtors, many new to this area, putting the words "private beach" in ads for property here. I had a feeling that it would eventually come to this with people from different areas moving in from places that had very DEFINATE property lines and no idea of how Mother Nature works on the beach. I just shook my head when the stink was raised about renourishment of "private beach" as I watched the next hurricane build the beach right back up to near the levels it was originally. Now I think we should adopt the same type of thing that South Carolina (I think) has..you can build your house as far on the beach as you like, but if a storm takes it you can NOT rebuild. Just imagine how many of these multi-million dollar homes would have never been built if the owners had been told THAT. As far as the Retreat thinking they are "special" with their "private beach" I would like to share the fact that the Retreat was hand picked by private plane by the executives of ..(are you ready?..) ST. JOE and their investors for their PERSONAL houses when the area was being prepared to be sold for residential housing. Shouldnt be any questions as to why the favoritism is being shown by any of our officials. I also agree that if we as citizens done stand up to this right now the $$ will win.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
You make it sound as though clouds and rain are not beautiful.
So this is [ame="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1836603732"]Gene Kelly-Singing In The Rain Video by an alias - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=1836603732@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@services/media/embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@1836603732[/ame]?!


Beach Fanatic

How far east? Is this near SanRoy?

Yes. I took this video and this property is east of Eastern Lake access and west of the access called "Ramsgate", which is south on Lakewood from 30A, take a right and pass San Roy on your right before getting to the access.

Before tagging there was a large boat and several piles of other stuff on the beach. I'm going to check tomorrow and Tuesday and see if that was tagged/removed. Maybe the property owners were absent?

Personally, I think this sign is new. At least I don't remember seeing it on other walks there.

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
:welcome: jodiFL. Enjoyed your post. Could you please use a darker color and larger font for these old eyes? :D :wave:


Beach Fanatic
Nov 27, 2005
Originally Posted by NotDeadYet [ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showthread.php?p=270576#post270576"]
Photo taken east of Eastern Lake. Now this can't be right :dunno:
To the Gulf of Mexico? Isnt' it the Mean High Water? Have we also now lost the right to the wet sand (unless it's underwater) :dunno:

This is sooo ugly, rude, and greedy too :clap: Is this the Retreat sign or someone else's :dunno:


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
:welcome: jodiFL. Enjoyed your post. Could you please use a darker color and larger font for these old eyes? :D :wave:

Thank you for the welcome. I was just trying out MY new readers, but can see that it is hard to read:blush:
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