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Beach Fanatic
Jan 25, 2005
Michigan but someday in SoWal as well
Beach Rentals of South Walton has been very fine for us in the past 1.5 year we've used them. We were with another agency before them, and while the agency was nice to work with, we just couldn't get them to clean our cottages well (we'd find old toast under the couches). Other people referred us to Beach Rentals and we've been happy, especially with the quality of the cleaning and maintenance which is very important to guests.

Rather B Paddlin

Beach Lover
Feb 15, 2005
tynanr said:
We currently use Dune Allen Realty and they have worked well for us. The house is in Dune Allen which may help the situation. Overall, they booked the house this season and follow through on the basics. Doesnt sound like a big deal but I can say from first hand experience that this doesnt always happen. We started with Beach Rentals of South Walton and received the worst service I have experienced in my personal life and professional career. They basically were incapable of even returning a phone call let alone the more difficult actions of booking the house and, believe it or not, charging customers for the stay. The differences are basic but can be staggering.

BROSW - join the "former" club

Dune Allen - some nicest people you will work with, ok service.....

You are right on target.


Beach Lover
Jul 11, 2005
soozie58 said:
I recently purchased a cottage in Old Florida Village. I am interested in renting it via my own contacts and the internet. Does anyone know of a company that I can contract that will just do management ie: cleaning, maintenance, checking the place out, but no rentals. Help!!! I am new to this!!!

Check with Al Bruni at Dolphin Developers Abruni11@aol.com
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Beach Lover
Jul 11, 2005
As my mother used to say, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. What I can say to renters and owners, that IS nice, is many owners do a much better job than rental management companies all by themselves, (after they learn the ropes.)

I recommend finding owner rentals from sites such as vrbo.com, vacationrentals.com, and cyberrentals.com


Carter said:
Regarding Beach Rentals 's of SW, I *almost* used them for a recent "Gulf Front" rental on 30-A. The staff was very nice and professional. However, the property was *not* as advertised and I was extremely fortunate enough to have another unbiased member of this board who was familiar with the property tell me the real deal - that it was in shabby condition/not the gulf front we expected, etc. (THANK YOU again, you know who you are, and you had a huge positive impact on our recent family vacation). We had this BRofSW property resereved and were about to send in the deposit but for this 411. (And for the record, this person had nothing to gain with the info shared with me).

We found another great truly gulf front property in Dune Allen through an alternate agency, but, while we were there, I stopped by that BRofSW property that we had almost rented and it was NOT as advertised for sure. It was a shambles, was NOT gulf front as advertised and was in a not so great location (if there is such a thing in SoWal!).


SoWal Insider
Question: If you try to do this on your own, how do you get the keys to the renter, especially in a "quick turn" situation? Do you use a lockbox? What if the renters "forget" to leave them in the lockbox, or something happens? How would you then get the next people a set of keys in just a few hours?

What other things can "come up" if you try to do this without a management company? I can certainly handle details, but I want to be able to deal with emergencies too.

Kim Smith

Beach Lover
Nov 16, 2004
TooFarTampa said:
Question: If you try to do this on your own, how do you get the keys to the renter, especially in a "quick turn" situation? Do you use a lockbox? What if the renters "forget" to leave them in the lockbox, or something happens? How would you then get the next people a set of keys in just a few hours?

What other things can "come up" if you try to do this without a management company? I can certainly handle details, but I want to be able to deal with emergencies too.

A lockbox is the best way. I have 2, one at the front door and one at the side door in case that happens. Always leave extra sets for your renters inside your home and if one is missing then you charge them the typically $10.00 rate that mangement companies do. I do 99% of my own bookings and I have a great cleaning company that also handles my maintenance.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
TooFarTampa said:
Question: If you try to do this on your own, how do you get the keys to the renter, especially in a "quick turn" situation? Do you use a lockbox? What if the renters "forget" to leave them in the lockbox, or something happens? How would you then get the next people a set of keys in just a few hours?

What other things can "come up" if you try to do this without a management company? I can certainly handle details, but I want to be able to deal with emergencies too.

You can also install keyless combination door locks. That way, you can change the combination on a regular basis for security, and never need a key again. I am not sure about the costs, but I am sure they are worth it.

Just talked to a lady yesterday who had suprised her housekeepers by showing up to check on them. She states that they had not cleaned to her liking. She fired them. Question - Who will be checking to ensure that your house is ready for the new renters each time?


Beach Lover
Mar 1, 2005
TooFarTampa said:
Question: If you try to do this on your own, how do you get the keys to the renter, especially in a "quick turn" situation? Do you use a lockbox? What if the renters "forget" to leave them in the lockbox, or something happens? How would you then get the next people a set of keys in just a few hours?

What other things can "come up" if you try to do this without a management company? I can certainly handle details, but I want to be able to deal with emergencies too.

Call me paranoid, but I have two lockboxes. One I tell the renters about, but just in case, the key IS missing I have a 2nd lockbox I can tell them about. In addition, I attach the key to the lockbox itself (the part that comes out) and instruct them to just use that key to gain entry to the house upon arrival. Once in, I typically have 2 or 3 sets of keys for them to use while they are here.

Hasn't failed me yet! **knocking on wood..


SoWal Insider
Smiling JOe said:
Just talked to a lady yesterday who had suprised her housekeepers by showing up to check on them. She states that they had not cleaned to her liking. She fired them. Question - Who will be checking to ensure that your house is ready for the new renters each time?

That's the big sticking point. I have such a hard time with paying someone 20-percent plus just to do this for us, since we get 90 percent of our rentals through vrbo anyway. Paperwork, keys and communication, billing, etc I can handle. The problem is being 6 hours away. Anyway, we will soon part ways with our current company and are looking at our alternatives.

I am so detail oriented, it would be a shame not to at least consider going it alone.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
I found a key with a rental co. tag on it on the beach during cleanup last week. It was old and very corroded and I am going to return it if they will refund to whoever got charged for it. ;-)
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