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Darlene is my middle name, not my nickname
Dec 20, 2004
Lacey's Spring, Alabama
Dabell said:
Very Funny! You people have no clue about me or my ex husband. I was married for 17 years ( 19 by the time of my Divorce) I have two kids and they are 10 years apart. My husband was fooling around with his secretary for 2 years. I tried to look the other way but he is the one that wanted out, not me. I wanted to hold my family together! I did not want a Divorce! He is the one that wanted it. When He left the house I went into an
Deep Depression! I loved my Husband! But, I wouldn't win. He wanted OUT! so, I hired a Lawyer and went to court. Believe me, we could have spent a lot more than what we did! I LIVE ON LONG ISLAND!

He wanted out sooo baddd that he gave me what I was asking for!
Now My ex was a drinker but I never drank with him.The
secretary drinks with him. Hu! She can drink a 6 pack of tall boys before 10 am!
A Real drunk, she is! and he's just as bad NOW! And She happens to be OLDER than ME! And Now he lives with HER and HER 2 KIDS in a HOUSE that HE bought AFTER our Divorce! He didn't marry her yet. My kids are living without thier father in the House! And when he left the house ( here) I just got out of the Hosplital ( 4 years ago ) So, you ask me If I was worth it? No! it wasnt worth loosing my fkin life! Do you really think I am happy about it? Should I had NOt given him a divorce? Should I've stayed married to someone that did Not Love me? You tell me what you would have done!

Dabell, for the record, I was NOT making fun of your divorce. I was simply replying to SJ's comment. Your right, I have no clue about your life or your divorce. I sympothize with you. Same thing happened to me. Sorry you had to go through all of that!!!!


SoWal Insider
Feb 10, 2005
Chicago Area
Dabell said:
Yeah Right! If you had 2 kids , a house and was drinking like that all the time, The State would take your KIDs away from YOU!
I hardly Ever was a BIG Drinker! Even now, I just drink ( when my son is not home) maybe 2 glasses of wine if I am on a date or something , If I want to get drunk maybe 3...
You don't want to get drunk on a date, do you?????!!!!!!!


Beach Fanatic
May 29, 2005
seagrove beach
Dabell said:
My Divorce: 17k
His Divorce: 29k
Our House: mine
Our car: mine
His health insur: Mine
Our Biz: he's still making payment to ME

our kids: priceless!
This sounds like me and my ex and I still think I made out like a bandit. In fact, I would pay quadruple that.


Beach Fanatic
Sep 15, 2005
New York
Santiago said:
This sounds like me and my ex and I still think I made out like a bandit. In fact, I would pay quadruple that.

You must of just goT Divorce. Because you would know by now nothing is a lot,after you loose everything.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 11, 2005
MidWest OH
My experiences (directly and adjacent) with lawyers and legal things have left me pretty jaded...
The legal system is fundamentally about money - pure and simple. It was/has been evolved by lawyers for the benefit of lawyers. The potential for "justice" resulting from a legal action is in direct proportion to the money injected into the equation. Even given the application of significant volumes of cash, it has been my observation that any "justice" done is more of an accident than not.


Jun 27, 2005
Johnrudy said:
You don't want to get drunk on a date, do you?????!!!!!!!

How does that song go...why don't we get drunk and...
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