Dabell said:Very Funny! You people have no clue about me or my ex husband. I was married for 17 years ( 19 by the time of my Divorce) I have two kids and they are 10 years apart. My husband was fooling around with his secretary for 2 years. I tried to look the other way but he is the one that wanted out, not me. I wanted to hold my family together! I did not want a Divorce! He is the one that wanted it. When He left the house I went into an
Deep Depression! I loved my Husband! But, I wouldn't win. He wanted OUT! so, I hired a Lawyer and went to court. Believe me, we could have spent a lot more than what we did! I LIVE ON LONG ISLAND!
He wanted out sooo baddd that he gave me what I was asking for!
Now My ex was a drinker but I never drank with him.The
secretary drinks with him. Hu! She can drink a 6 pack of tall boys before 10 am!
A Real drunk, she is! and he's just as bad NOW! And She happens to be OLDER than ME! And Now he lives with HER and HER 2 KIDS in a HOUSE that HE bought AFTER our Divorce! He didn't marry her yet. My kids are living without thier father in the House! And when he left the house ( here) I just got out of the Hosplital ( 4 years ago ) So, you ask me If I was worth it? No! it wasnt worth loosing my fkin life! Do you really think I am happy about it? Should I had NOt given him a divorce? Should I've stayed married to someone that did Not Love me? You tell me what you would have done!
Dabell, for the record, I was NOT making fun of your divorce. I was simply replying to SJ's comment. Your right, I have no clue about your life or your divorce. I sympothize with you. Same thing happened to me. Sorry you had to go through all of that!!!!