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Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
Are you advocating that all beach goers, whether visitors or residents, be barred from transversing any privately owned beach front regardless of whether they are on "wet sand"? I can't picture any way this would be lawful nor enforceable.


Beach Lover
Jun 5, 2008
From reading this thread and others on this board, is it correct that a majority of beachfront property owners desire to prohibit people from sitting on any dry part of the beach in front of their houses? And, if so, is this desire the result of masses of people having done so for so long that the beachfront property owner is then "crowded out" from the beach in front of his house because there is no room for his chair?

If we rent a house for a week's vacation each year that is not on the beach but close to beach access but far from a state park, should we expect to only be able to sit on wet sand or have to walk miles to a state park (or worse get in the car) in order to relax? LVT's idea above, or something similar, seems to be a good solution.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Lake
Are you advocating that all beach goers, whether visitors or residents, be barred from transversing any privately owned beach front regardless of whether they are on "wet sand"? I can't picture any way this would be lawful nor enforceable.

LVT, What I am implying right or wrong is that many of the beachfront property owners have people trample on their property, leave trash near the property and simply put "Not respecting other peoples property". You and I both know the areas near the Eastern Lake outflow to the west where kids jump on the dune areas that are near owners homes are a prime example. and lets face it, The only people who get enjoy looking at a "Keep Out" or Private Property" sign are the ones that erect them. All I am saying is that for those owners that live gulf front and have people not respecting their own property by leaving trash, being obnoxious / disrespectful or otherwise should expect a law enforcement officer to enforce the law if called. Customary Use seems logical to me and many other people


Beach Lover
Jun 5, 2008
I can certainly see if SoWal is dealing with the kind of stuff on this video (from the Whale's Tail) how property owners would be incensed having to clean up after these thoughtless people. Is this happening in SoWal? Or the fear that it will?

I can only speak for my family and hope most are like it but when we leave the beach for the day we strive to leave no trace. I hope folks like us are not shut out from enjoying the beach.

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
LVT, What I am implying right or wrong is that many of the beachfront property owners have people trample on their property, leave trash near the property and simply put "Not respecting other peoples property". You and I both know the areas near the Eastern Lake outflow to the west where kids jump on the dune areas that are near owners homes are a prime example. and lets face it, The only people who get enjoy looking at a "Keep Out" or Private Property" sign are the ones that erect them. All I am saying is that for those owners that live gulf front and have people not respecting their own property by leaving trash, being obnoxious / disrespectful or otherwise should expect a law enforcement officer to enforce the law if called. Customary Use seems logical to me and many other people
OK. I think we are on the same page. I think an ordinance has to be established to define a reasonable sized area of customary use. And I'm with you 100% with more enforcement against visitors that abuse property not in the customary use zone, as well as beach front owners who abuse the customary use zone with unwarranted signs. All this sounds like common sense, doesn't it?


Beach Lover
Jun 5, 2008
I am grateful for the clarification by JHF and agree. Just hope that the few bad kids don't ruin it for the rest of the class. Would miss Seagrove so (would otherwise need to win the lottery to afford a beachfront rental!). :)

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
To clarify my thoughts on the size of this customary use zone, you wouldn't need to define it by mean high tide. Just describe it as halfway from the gulf to any substantial residential structure, and any visitor or any deputy can easily assess what is halfway. I believe in making compromises for the sake of all people involved.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 18, 2016
"Residents" are a minor portion of the "population" of South Walton County. I don't know the exact figures, but it certainly feels like the amount of people is approximately ten times more people in July than February. If the county can craft an ordinance that defines the customary use portion of the beach as, perhaps, "half the distance from mean high tide line to primary dune line, or first seaward structure", then it would seem to be a workable plan, if our visitors can be educated to comply with this.

I just came up with this formula, and would certainly want to hear other ideas.
True enough, but most of the people concerned about access and use seemed to be residents. Did you get a different impression? If they were residents, do you think they are worried about their own use or tourists being able to use the beach?

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
I think they are concerned about both, about conflict and signage, and restrictions of any kind, to the customary use of the beach. Everyone should stop thinking about opposing factions and try to find compromise.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 10, 2013
So glad I live in Old BMB, owners own ALL (3) access points( state of Florida approved not TDC)..they put those silly PVC vendor only signs between two of our accesses pointing toward each other over 800' of beach. They came back in a few days and removed ALL signage TDC/ code enforcement have NO sign authority own our neighborhood beaches. FYI we have a few lots left to build on just sayin.
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