Thanks for your kind words. I obviously don't know what is private unless it is marked as such. The one access that I know is private has a chain across the steps with a "private" sign hanging on it. I guess if I wanted to break someone's law I would duck under it and use it anyway. I don't. There is/has been an issue with gulf front property owners asking people not to sit on "their" beach. Chip "the beach chair guy" has been getting the brunt of that at the beach in front of Summer's Edge (a deeded access). He could only set up chairs/umbrellas where he hadn't had complaints from gulf front property owners, or directly in front of the access, being careful not to encroach on someone's private beach. This really needs to be resolved because I don't want guests, or friends, or my family having confrontations every time they try to visit the beach. I've heard that the lawyers have this issue now, though I don't know if this is just rumor.