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How did you vote in the School Board Referendum?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 84.2%
  • No

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 17, 2008
Would a hired superintendent, for example, be harder to get rid of? I'm thinking teachers unions/tenure /etc.

yes very much so

this is all about letting the teachers Union have more say in who is superintendent

it's basically all they have left

Bob Hudson

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
Totally wrong answer.

The only way you remove an Elected Supt is through the Governor - person would basically have to be convicted of a major felony.

A "hired/appointed" Supt serves at the pleasure of the School Board that "hires them".

They normally have a contract with two separate termination clauses:

For Cause (felony,etc)
Without cause (pleasure of the Board)


SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Have you noticed how many positions in Florida County government, such as Walton County, are ELECTED positions and absolutely shouldn't be? The Superintendent of Education is at the top of that list, imo. You really need to be able to search for the right candidate for the job, inside Walton Co as well as outside, just like any good, well managed business. Electing your school board members is where your vote counts (some counties appoint those as well).

How many excellent candidates for a Walton County school leader are qualified to RUN an election and win? I don't think I want a politician who has to run an election to be in charge of our schools. Why that was ever the case is beyond my understanding. HIRE a professional educator who can spend 100% of their time on school leadership, and none of their time on an election.

Our schools are pretty good. They have the potential to be excellent - we have great teachers, great kids, and very involved parents. And I'm not talking about "A" level (that doesn't mean much) schools - which we are... I'm talking about a true model of education based on best practices. Hiring a leader is one step in that direction.

Vote YES for the kids.


Jan 17, 2008
Which I already knew....

you must be the smartest Union Stooge there is to be able to read it directly below
my join date and above my post count, put yourself down for a hundred thousand
dollar bonus from the dues of those you pimp out
Last edited:


Jan 17, 2008
Obviously you have financial interests in Walton County that depend on support from Walton County elected officials.

If you mean, do I pay buttloads of property and sales tax in Walton, then yes.

If you mean, do I like anyone in office, or even know their phone numbers, or have
even an ounce of influence with them?, then once again it's a blatant lie told by
lazy simple minded people who can't rationalize the opposite opinion they hold.
face it just because you have been hand fed this pablum by the WCEA
doesn't mean anyone not eating it is somehow misunderstanding the issue

the vote is to expand the power of the union to appoint a super, nothing more
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