Lordy, look at all that crapola and people on the beach! And look at all the gosh darn tents! That's not 'needed stuff', that's just sh...! Calming down a bit now - I guess it's been a long time since I actually went to a 'popular' beach. I've been spoiled with the multitude of boat-access-only areas and the controlled park beaches. No litter and no junk! There's this one little cresent-shaped white sand beach surrounded entirely by marshes and seedling palms that comes to mind. Completely unapproachable by land, it's as natural as it is beautiful. Mmmmm. Nope, I wouldn't exchange a sewage lagoon for ten miles of that crowded, crap covered, ownership righted, tire-tracked, fenced, scraped, walkovered bs. They can have it!!! I'm going to stick with the beach below.
BTW, a lot of the sand washed down to Pensacola - they had 10 feet high extra in one place alone. Bet they won't give it back either. Perhaps each county could spend millions dye-ing their particular sand so it becomes clear who's it is.