I think I will just post this comment of mine in this thread too...
"IMO..alot of this could have/would have been avoided if they would just require the property owners prove they own the property. Show a current survey that clearly states where the MHWL is and not some wet sand/dry sand BS. All the sand is wet at some point and gets dry real quick in the Florida sun. I cant live next to a vacant lot anywhere else in this county,call the cops on someone for trespassing then not prove that I actually own the property. All the people are saying that he/she/them are trying to take their property but I havent seen anyone offering up a current survey to show it belongs to them. I am not talking about some plat picture on some website, I am talking about a current, stamped by a registered surveyor, legally binding, survey. I have seen people posting aerial plat pictures but I can do that with Google maps and any photo editing program on any computer. Those surveys would put alot of the "confusion" to rest but no one seems to want to produce one. The DEP required one for them to get a permit to build, the bank required one to loan them money, how about the sheriff require one to prove where the MHWL is. Could it be that the surveys show that the MHWL is alot closer to the toe of the dune than they want people to know?"
"IMO..alot of this could have/would have been avoided if they would just require the property owners prove they own the property. Show a current survey that clearly states where the MHWL is and not some wet sand/dry sand BS. All the sand is wet at some point and gets dry real quick in the Florida sun. I cant live next to a vacant lot anywhere else in this county,call the cops on someone for trespassing then not prove that I actually own the property. All the people are saying that he/she/them are trying to take their property but I havent seen anyone offering up a current survey to show it belongs to them. I am not talking about some plat picture on some website, I am talking about a current, stamped by a registered surveyor, legally binding, survey. I have seen people posting aerial plat pictures but I can do that with Google maps and any photo editing program on any computer. Those surveys would put alot of the "confusion" to rest but no one seems to want to produce one. The DEP required one for them to get a permit to build, the bank required one to loan them money, how about the sheriff require one to prove where the MHWL is. Could it be that the surveys show that the MHWL is alot closer to the toe of the dune than they want people to know?"