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Phil Good

Beach Lover
Jun 17, 2016
Blue Mountain
Ok. I guess I'm missing your point. Susan Harris posted under her real name. I've never known the woman to post under any other id except her real name. So for the sake of a stupid argument, don't assume you know what I know and don't link me to the BS Nelson and Brannon have pulled on this list to discredit a private citizen. It was not becoming of them and it's even less becoming on you.
You can play dumb if you'd like. Probably doesn't require much acting on your part.

I'm just glad the other 20 people this forum reaches now know your word means less than nothing. With that in mind, keep slandering a good man's name. You are an embarrassment.


Dec 15, 2011
You can play dumb if you'd like. Probably doesn't require much acting on your part.

I'm just glad the other 20 people this forum reaches now know your word means less than nothing. With that in mind, keep slandering a good man's name. You are an embarrassment.

Slander really? Sue me! Burden of proof is yours. It's only slander or defamation of character if it can be proved in a court of law that some harm came to the person alleging he or she was defamed/slandered and in some way harmed...like lost wages etc. Since we know for a fact Mr. Anderson doesn't have any wages to speak of...


Beach Lover
May 23, 2016
South of the bay
It plainly shows the quoted message as peterpan...and the same message under suzanne harris. When you change your screen name it goes back and changes it on all of your past post EXCEPT for post that have been quoted. Those remain as previous screen names...which very clearly indicate that the poster known as peterpan is now showing as suzanne harris. So yet again the statement you made that she had never posted under another name was a lie because again you don't check your facts.

Phil Good

Beach Lover
Jun 17, 2016
Blue Mountain
Slander really? Sue me! Burden of proof is yours. It's only slander or defamation of character if it can be proved in a court of law that some harm came to the person alleging he or she was defamed/slandered and in some way harmed...like lost wages etc. Since we know for a fact Mr. Anderson doesn't have any wages to speak of...
Like you've got anything worth suing for..


Dec 15, 2011
It plainly shows the quoted message as peterpan...and the same message under suzanne harris. When you change your screen name it goes back and changes it on all of your past post EXCEPT for post that have been quoted. Those remain as previous screen names...which very clearly indicate that the poster known as peterpan is now showing as suzanne harris. So yet again the statement you made that she had never posted under another name was a lie because again you don't check your facts.

Again, I had NO IDEA who Peterpan was then or now. If you want to give Ms. Harris credit for that...she's is definitely a big girl and can certainly hold her own against the 3 numb nuts trying to lay this off on me.


Dec 15, 2011
Like you've got anything worth suing for..

Ok I'll grant you that one..so how bout you sue me and Ms. Harris who you have claimed is some one other than who I know her as? You 3 are the ones making the accusations here, not me. I've admitted I'm P poor and don't have a pot or a window to throw it out of. You can't hurt me. You want Ms. Harris...JUMP BIG!


Beach Lover
May 23, 2016
South of the bay
Were not laying anything on you...just simply proving a point that you do not have facts to back the statements you make on here. Which makes myself and I'm sure others question how credible any of your posts are.

Patriot Games

Beach Lover
Aug 28, 2014
Who cares who posts what and what all of you private citizens think? It's all allowed opinions are free and allowed in America. Earl you are here to defend Tony Anderson then it's easy, Answer these questions.....they are all legitimate considering his supporters got April Wise Coble in the race and eliminated all the democrats for a mere 2600.00. Comon Earl answer Tony's questions for him since he won't. Tell us why he is the "Bauce"

1. Why does the county need your leadership? You worked for the second largest employer in the nation (USPS) for thirty years and you left with the same job you started mail carrier. If you didn't get promoted or receive a leadership role after 30 years with them, what makes you think district 5 needs you? or Walton county for that matter.

2. How come you don't respond to questions or posts on your facebook site unless someone wants to donate or get a T- Shirt?

3. Do you have unpaid tax liens or past unpaid judgments against you?

4. Your ads in the Defuniak herald say you have a plan to create 2500 new jobs? What is it?

5. You don't pay any property tax according to the tax roles and you have stated YOU will provide tax breaks to the small businesses.
A. How do you plan to give tax breaks without the rest of the BCC saying they want to too. What kind of Tax breaks do you mean?
B. Who will pay for the infrastructure that the small businesses and LLC's need to make money off of the tourists? (parking, beach access, drainage) Do you expect the residents to supplement small business.

6. Why are you getting so close to Cecilia Jones? Do you understand the intent of the sunshine laws or is that the dull part of "not the sharpest knife in the drawer" as one of your long time friends said.

7. How come the BCC minutes have no record of you ever addressing anything in front of the BCC. How many meetings have you ever participated in until you were recruited to run? Is zero the answer? Kinda speaks volumes about how concerned you have been about the community Huh?.

8. What are your qualifications, education and experience that make you fit to manage an 8 billion dollar real estate portfolio for the citizens? Do you have a High School Diploma or a GED? Do you have any professional license's or Degree's from an accredited University"s.

These should be fairly easy Earl.

Patriot Games

Beach Lover
Aug 28, 2014
You want no more mud slinging, then get to answering and since it has become an issue. (So Far Crickets)

1. Are you collecting a disability retirement and unable to work? If so, How will you be able to handle District 5 which is more than a full time job?

It's a legitimate question as politicians step down all the time for health reasons....


Dec 15, 2011
Were not laying anything on you...just simply proving a point that you do not have facts to back the statements you make on here. Which makes myself and I'm sure others question how credible any of your posts are.

I didn't make the statements you're asking me to back up!! I don't know who Peterpan was then and I don't know now.

If you believe it was Ms. Harris why in the hello are you still badgering me about it? ASK HER!!
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