Our management company provides a roll of TP in each bathroom, but no tissues (they are usually not biodegradable and should not be flushed, but are if there). They also put out enough soap and dishwasher detergent to get through a couple of washings. No laundry soap or other product. I used to leave stuff, but people would use it and take the remainder home with them.
We leave extra light bulbs in the pantry and have the mngmt company replace them on the fixed rate program, which covers other things. For awhile, I left boxes of garbage bags, extra cleaning supplies, and extra TP. It was used and never replaced. The way I figure it, most people are accustomed to a trip to the market if they are renting a house or condo. The initial stash is for convenience. Even the housekeeper does not put out extra items when I leave them. The way I figure, if one is paying a housekeeper over $300 a pop each time a guest checks in, then it is little to ask that they purchase some convenience items that they might wish to have.
There are several items that need pretty constant renourishment in a beach place. The big #1 is plastic food containers like Rubbermaid. For some reason, we simply cannot keep Corningware casserole dishes, either and they're not prone to breakage. I think people pack up perishables in both items for the trip home and just figure it's no big deal, that you'll never miss it. Same with chip clips, but no big deal. Wine glasses have a high attrition rate, understandable. What really bugs me is missing silverware. We put two sets in about every other year and it just goes through attrition. What are people doing with this stuff? Sadly, I think lots gets thrown into the garbage with cleanup. So I have stopped putting good stuff in. I do keep my own set of flatware, dishes, and wineglasses in the lockup, just so I know it is there in the right numbers when we are there and entertain. Oh, and plastic juice glasses...forget it!
The DVDs are a lost cause; kiss them goodbye. So are the back casings on remote devices. It pays to keep an extra (especially the cable one) in your owner lockup.
Your housekeeper is a good resource for advice on what should be left and which things will not survive a summer of fun. In the end, it's not that big a deal to make a run to Bed Bath & Beyond, spend $40 or so on these kinds of items each year. Sure beats spending even 10 minutes fretting about it, I have found.