I rarely chime in but like everyone who has posted comments I think the common denominator here are the HS kids and most specifically Georgia. I have lived in Seagrove for 11 years and have witnessed 11 spring breaks. here are my 11 years worth (2 cents). In the past several years the WCSO and the police in general have done an excellent job or as best as I could expect. the Police force are present and in my opinion react quickly and enforce Zero tolerance. I can't comment on the Seaside vs Watercolor police presence only from what I see and yes clearly Seaside does an excellent job of trying to keep the mayhem down by a bigger police presence. For the most part I find little to no major issues with the college students, I am sure there are some issues but compared to the HS kids minimal. People have a right to rent their properties, and people have a right to rent a property, we may not like it but name a community that bans rentals? it is reality so we need to try and deal with it like it or not and focus on the "prime" weeks we experience this mayhem. in mid summer every school district has their entire years schedule published so we have plenty of "warning". I think it is unanimous that Georgia HS spring break is hands down the WORST! so rental property owners have the ability to block off a week or 2 and may I suggest these couple of weeks be taken under consideration. I know lost revenue but perhaps adding a couple hundred dollars a week in the prime season covers any potential loss of these spring break weeks? Not only for the rental property owners but also the rental companies who would share in that loss of revenue. I can't help but think the sheer mental relief on both parties is worth it. Don't change the law or create more layers of rules and regulations simply use supply and demand. Fewer properties available equals fewer people those couple weeks. I also have to think properties take the biggest abuse during this period. Another observation, have you ever noticed during the summer months when families and HS kids are here these "issues" are not even close to being as bad? Well Spring break is 1 week and EVERYONE comes the same time! Have you every counted the number of stolen bikes ditched in the spring vs summer? We are in an affluent area, one would think people who can afford these rental rates would not act this way? Well think of the spring break week and what happens, one maybe 2 adults rent a house with a dozen kids, all those kids are not children of the 2 adults so their parents who do not come down subsidize the 1 or 2 unfortunate adults who are chaperoning. Now it becomes MORE affordable for more people. Split the pie more ways.
In the summer one or maybe 2 families split the rental fee and it is THEIR children and it is the parents vacation on their designated vacation week, not the same week as the entire Georgia High Schools.
Every Spring at the same time all of our friends say the same thing over and over, The Georgia HS spring break is the WORST, no debating it. Are we profiling,,, YEP! Do I care NOPE! If they cannot come to our beautiful place we call home they will find somewhere else I guarantee you that. It is unfortunate for those parents and kids who are respectful that they become lumped in with those who choose to act like animals.
So to recap let's focus on basically 2 weeks of the spring break which festers most of the issues, if we solve these 2 weeks then my guess is future threads like this will be minimized.
thanks for letting me rant!