Please don't include all of us into one ignorant, uncaring group. I discovered this place 21 yrs. ago and look forward to visiting for two weeks every fall. I pick up litter on the beach, never leave anything behind, have spent a LOT of money in shops and restaurants. I have brought 5 couples down here who have done the same. I suppose the price you pay for paradise is your tourism business, that supports the majority of you for the remainder of the year . You are lucky enough to live there. If you do not want tourists, keep up your attitude! Some of the comments on this web site want me to take my business elsewhere. A lot of you seem to think you are better than those of us who live elsewhere. There are a lot of wonderful towns in Florida where people are still welcome, Key West being one of them. I live within 30 mins. of The Great Smoky Mtns. Natl. Park. I love it here, but we enjoy a change of scene. Wonder how you would feel if we badmouthed all the people who live in Florida and don't welcome them to visit here? I assure you that I am not white trash, and I have a much nicer home than a lot of people in your community do.