I think I recall reading the Dr's recipe and liking the sound of it. Have to use good tekillya and orange liquor, which his recipe calls for.
Big D?s Margaritas
2 qt. pitcher of good ice
6 oz. Tequila gold
12 oz. margarita mixer
4 wedges navel orange
8 wedges lime
4 wedges lemon
3 oz. Cointreau
Plus Grand Marnier (after pouring)
Shake well. Pour into four salted glasses, dividing fruit equally.
Add 1 oz. of Grand Marnier to each glass.
He says thanks for the compliments!
Believe me, we could all get so smashed at the BR bar!!!
jdarg...you, me and Mr. K's credit at the liquor store...let's go!
Believe me, we could all get so smashed at the BR bar!!!
jdarg...you, me and Mr. K's credit at the liquor store...let's go!
You gotta admit BR's hubby makes a most excellent margarita. ;-)