Through MediaCom, my bill for expanded basic + cable internet is around $60/mo. I seem to remember the cable internet costs being about $40 of the total $60. If you do not own a cable modem, the MediaCom will lease one to you for about $5 per month. The only additional cost for wireless is about $50-$75 for your router and maybe another $45 if you have to buy a wireless card for your PC or laptop.Paula said:What are the best yearly rates for wireless that anyone has found in the area? I'm considering wireless. Thanks.
Paula said:What are the best yearly rates for wireless that anyone has found in the area? I'm considering wireless. Thanks.
Beach Runner said:
osubosco said:I wanted to re-hash this thread from March. I am going to be spending a week in Seaside starting this Saturday, and I want to be able to post my travel pictures daily in my photo blog.
Other than the center stage area at Seaside, are there any other wi-fi hotspots? Anyone on Savannah Street have a wireless connection they would like to share?If I have to go to the the stage area everyday to post, I will. I know my wife likes to go drink wine at that wine place near there that I forget the name of.
Basically, I just wanted to see if there is anything new in the last few months.
newyorker said:Somehow, the idea of dragging my laptop around is not really appealing. (yes, yes, I agree, we should come down and relax. But I don't totally relax unless I check my email once a day--and lately things at my college (I'm a dean at an excellent NY liberal arts college) have been tumultuous. So I check--I'm reassured, they're reassured, then all is good).
I love Sundog Books--and indeed, I buy LOTs of books when I come (this independent bookstore is yet one more reason we come all this way--I love being able to have them help me find great summer reading). But I don't want to drag my laptop around looking for signals. I'm staying at a condo in Seagrove--Palms--is there still a good dialup service? (last year some enterprising soul had something--I still have the icon on my laptop. ) We'll be in Seagrove on Sat. yes, I know its "so old". thanks.