
Cottages for Kids Tours, Raffle & Auction Underway Now!

November 20, 2012 by Teresa Lischka

We love Rosemary Beach and Cottages for Kids. About the only thing better than watching kids play out-of-control on the beach is watching them crawl over, around, and through the incredible custom playhouses every year during Cottages for Kids.

Five cottages are on display and tours are open to the public on East Long Green on Scenic 30A in Rosemary Beach. Come out on Thanksgiving Day for some outdoor fun on the lawn and play in and all around the cottages! Purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win or make a donation.  

The Cottages will be open for play and discovery through Nov. 24. It has become a tradition among vacationers and hometown folk and is a free, family-friendly event that is sure to please children of all ages!

The carefully crafted mini houses may be purchased by the public and this year, CVHN will offer two ways to win a Cottage: a raffle and an online auction. Raffle tickets will be available for purchase at the event and also online. Bidding takes place during the online auction through November 23. Buy It Now prices will also be available onsite and online. Proceeds from the Cottages for Kids raffle and online auction support CVHN's ongoing efforts to make sure every child in the community has access to the health care they need and deserve.

Three cottages are up for bid online now!

BID: Little Hangleton by Corestruction, P.C. Architecture andInterior Design

BID: Schoolhouse Rocks! by Davis Dunn Construction, Inc. & Studio.A.Architecture 

BID: Torre de Juego (Tower of Play) by Heritage Builders with The Merchants of Rosemary Beach and TanneyDesign

Using a lot of imagination, innovation, hard work and a little elbow grease, area builders, architects and community members came together to create, construct and decorate unique and amazing children's playhouses. The designs are earth-friendly, kid-approved and the materials must be safe and healthy for kids and good for the environment.  

"As with most charitable fundraisers, it is the support of the community and the people in it that make Cottages for Kids a successful event and allow CVHN to continue fulfilling its mission," said CVHN's Executive Director, Zach Billingsley. "We are so grateful to the builder teams and the sponsors that have stepped up to make this event twice as big as last year."

The 2012 builder teams include DKM Custom Homes; Randy Wise Homes with Freeport High School Key Club; Heritage Builders with The Merchants of Rosemary Beach and Tanney Design; Davis Dunn Construction with Studio A Architecture; and Corestruction with R.W. Lowe Architecture and P.C. Architecture and Interior Design.

Cottages for Kids 2012 is presented by and benefiting Children's Volunteer Health Network (CVHN). 

Purchase raffle tickets for two cottages ($5 or package deals) or bid on a cottage at or call 850.622.3200.

Final days for tours! November 22 (Thanksgiving Day) 11am-2pm
November 23 10am-4pm
November 24 10am-2pm


Teresa Lischka's picture

A Birmingham native, Teresa could never get enough of the beach so she moved to SoWal as soon as she could. She loves sharing all things SoWal with the world.

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