Too many people building on the dunes, too many people disrespecting the resource by leaving trash on the beach and too many people not respecting other people are what destroyed my definition of the 30A legacy.
mputnal, thank you for your post. IMHO 4 million tourists are way too many for our sensitive ecosystem and we need to reduce the number of people. I have never seen such a high volume of false crawls and fewer turtle nests on my walks this year compared to past years.
Maybe, just maybe, all this fighting which is destroying our 30A Legacy (people getting along) might actually be a GOOD thing and end up SAVING our 30A Ecosystem by reducing the number of people. Maybe the sacrifice of our "Legacy" is worth it to save our "Future" for our grandkids. Maybe that is legacy we need to focus?
Yes the state of Florida owns the shoreline, so no issues of walking the entire shoreline, swimming, fishing, surfing, or building sandcastles. The only issue is where you can put beach equipment and day camp. Either on State Property (by permit), on County Property (within guidelines) or on Private Property (by renting or with permission). The CUSTOMARY PROPERTY RIGHTS, which was been around since the USA Constitution was written, was not an issue in the past since there was plenty of room for the number of people visiting the area and if someone was on private property and asked to move, they moved. But now we have too many people, in too small an area, who feel ENTITLED, to sit any where and bring anything they want, which is the root of our problem.
IMHO the reason the BCC is suing the private property owners is so they can have MORE room for MORE people for MORE taxes which will result in MORE destruction. So maybe the all the fighting and lawsuits have an upside?
There is no one alive today when all 26 miles of beach was public property. Some private property was purchased or donated to the State which became State Parks and the County has purchased some property which became Public Beach, but the rest has always been private. There has never been any Public property that became Private due to quiet title, it has only been used to clear up private property titles issues. All beach might be taxed the same ($1.8 Million), one may have more beach front than the one next door, but that does mean that one can conclude there is no tax paid on beach front property. A property a few blocks away from the beach is certainly not taxed at $1.8 Million. But, most importantly, if it is truly Private Deeded Property, then there are US Constitutional and State Property Rights.
The State of Florida has a Property Bill of Rights that may eventually put to rest the issue of a Private Property Owner being able to ask someone to leave their property. If not then I imagine the Supreme Court is going to uphold the USA Constitution. Yes the County can purchase more property, but actually I hope they don't, and just reduce the number of tourists. Maybe turn 30A into a toll road with a free pass for local residences? All other funds would go to help the Ecosystem, with the greatest benefit being LESS PEOPLE. If we have LESS tourists there is more room for Local Residents. The more the County spends OUR money on lawsuits, means the less of OUR money the county has to buy local property, which may ultimately mean LESS people on 30A, which might be the BEST thing.
Your rights and protections include:
1. The right to acquire, possess, and protect your property.
2. The right to use and enjoy your property.
3. The right to exclude others from your property.
4. The right to dispose of your property.
5. The right to due process.
6. The right to just compensation for property taken for a public purpose.
7. The right to relief, or payment of compensation, when a new law, rule, regulation, or ordinance of the state or a political entity unfairly affects your property.