The more I read these posts the more I am convinced that both sides of the CU/Property Rights issue are too politicized. It is more about the principles involved in your beliefs than it is about your community. Of course it is not surprising that people are self motivated because it is human but the extent to which both sides are willing to damage the greater good (humanity) is very revealing. The agenda is to prove how RIGHT you are to have your opinion or belief AND to discredit/disrespect the other side. We no longer have great leaders in our communities that understand why it is vital to bridge divisions between competing interests. I have literally gone back and forth on the issue about what is RIGHT not about what I think right should be on this subject. The only fact that I believe to be correct here is that we have a problem of behavior in this community. BFO's are not behaving well IMHO. CU activists are not behaving well IMHO. Beach goers are not behaving well IMHO. Local government needed a good leader to bridge this divide but it didn't happen. I am not saying that that local government is not capable but for whatever reason they got it wrong and now we have an expensive lawsuit. This really should have been about our community and the problems that we have but it now has escalated ad nauseum into principle. Kind of like our politics...