Mr. Uhlfelder broke no laws, he asked law-enforcement to show him where the mean high tide water line was.
Dave, how do you find time for all this media , family time, binge watch TV, and run multi-million dollar business at the peak of the Summer season? Quite a lot to cover. Let’s talk about words and believably for BFOs out there.
Mr. Uhlfelder broke no laws [
Daniel did break the law by trespassing on Vizcaya private property multiple times. Only after a warning and the grace of the Deputies was Uhlfelder not arrested for breaking the law. There is a difference between not breaking the law and not being arrested.], he asked law-enforcement to show him where the mean high tide water line was [
no Uhlfelder asked where the Sheriff’s defined wet-sand line, not the Florida legal MHWL property boundary was].
You translate that into harassment [
of a private property owner and law enforcement] but nobody believes you except you and a handful of Private Beach front activists [
You are calling ANY BFOs ACTIVISTS? Wrong but keep repeating that to yourself and CU antisocial media].
If you’ve got something on Mr. Uhlfelder you would’ve already acted on it but you got nothing, nada, zip [
If I was Vizcaya HOA I would have made a civil trespass charge - pretty much an open and shut case with the FB video. Wonder what the statue of limitations are?]. Mr. Uhlfelder went to the beach on his own [
No he did not, he had his social media camera man there too and FBFA and other CU social media were only too eager to post].
Can you show me where the mean high tide waterline is on your property [
YES and the survey monuments too as can many BFOs thanks to the Sheriff’s 2015 Trespass SOP. Survey updated annually or more]? I bet you can’t [
How much? $15,000,000?].
If he [Ulhfelder] went back to the same [Vizcaya private] beach he could stand in the wet sand and nobody could do anything about it [
except Uhlfelder was NOT in the wet sand. He was on Private property dry sand, was asked to leave, refused until threaten with arrest, and taunted the Deputies!].
I would have to agree with the recent poster that says you and a few others here are doing a disservice to your fellow beachfront owners with your vindictiveness and personal vendettas [
so you don’t agree with the others, just on this thread, who criticize your and others CU name calling? Shall I list the name calling again?].
I really don’t know what you hope to accomplish but you’re certainly not “winning hearts and minds.” [
Not trying to; just provide the facts for reasonable people who want to know the credible information to make informed decisions.]
Those of us who are committed to public beaches for all are not going anywhere and we are in this for the long-haul [
Ditto for BFOs. The Commissioners are the ones trying to “take” property]. If one drops out another one will replace us [Like Hydra on the Avengers movie - cute].
You may think we are wasting our time trying to restore our beaches to public use well, I think you’re wasting your time trying to stop us [
BFOs are the Defendants with all property rights today, Commissioners and Florida Beaches for attorneys have the burden of proof to show private customary use of private property (CU) is superior to US Constitutionally protected property rights. But the Walton tax payer pays millions regardless and if BFOs prevail; you/FBFA and the Commissioners will not be very popular with the tax payers I’m guessing].
And I won’t tumble in the gutter ever with you or any one else. We [
are you including your CU posse on this thread?] take the high road [
like go pound sand?! #239
Customary Use and Our 30A Legacy]. That’s why I don’t respond to a lot of this circular poking and prodding [
it’s circular because BFOs ask hard CU questions and you respond with in-credible rhetoric, questions asked, in-credible rhetoric ...]. To those who will pick and dissect every word, I really don’t care [
because words don’t matter?; especially when credibility is needed].
I stand by my words as myself and again, none of you can say that by remaining anonymous on this thread [
does a pseudonym name, not anonymous, change the facts or the law? Besides why would any BFO want to subject themselves to the antisocial media vitriol and fake police reports you submitted on James Lince (discussed previously) and the physical harassment like on the Vizcaya and the Goodwins private properties?].
Everything I’ve written and is published is what
I believe to my core [
but what is your CU believe based on? The law? What facts?] and I know with certainty that I represent the viewpoint of a very many people
[might makes Right; right?]. Throw up whatever you like, I believe our beaches [
1,193 other beachfront parcels legally not yours unless you can prove it in court first] have been
shared for centuries [
I thought it was from time immemorial? Hundreds of years is not the legal criteria for CU. I’d like to see you try to enter Topsal State Park without paying the public fee, just tell the ranger you think it’s “shared” property and you don’t have to pay for beach access. Even the US Government and Eglin AFB does not “share” it’s “publicly owned” beaches on Okaloosa Island. I’d like to see “Stand Your Sand” west of Okaloosa Island, Santa Rosa Blvd south of Hurlburt, on Eglin AFB beaches!] regardless of ownership and it distills right down to that point.
Those higher than us will decide. I don’t know how many other ways I can say the same thing and I will continue to repeat it because I believe it to be true [
Why? And me and others will continue to point out your baseless beliefs with the facts and law.]
We disagree but there are many beachfront owners who I disagree with but we are still friends. Heck one of my very best friends represents a large number of Beach front owners. We rarely even discuss it [
He (DP) better Never discuss CU legal issues with you as a BFO Defendant attorney and you are not his client].
This is still America where dissenting views on pretty much anything are completely allowed [
Free speech is a Constitutional right, as a judge rules that it is a beachfront owner right to place a sign on their private property. But why would anyone believe the views if you can’t back the views up with facts?]. I disagree with you and others but I don’t hate you and I would never dream of verbally attacking you personally or any other beachfront owner. You have nothing to fear from me that’s for sure because I’m about the nicest most generous person you could ever meet.
But, one thing you do have to fear is that we could win [
BFOs don’t fear your social media campaign (don't like the shaming), FBFA, or the Commissioners. BFOs had 84% of the 2018 Florida legislature support BFO property rights due process. The Commissioners, you, and the Walton tax payers have more to fear because you may get nothing but the current legal property-rights status-quo and a multi-million dollar BFO legal bill]. We are certainly not giving up. [
Nor are BFOs. Given the conservative courts all the way to the US Supreme Court. Let’s do it.]
As I said in the article published this week in the newspapers the beach is a different kind of private property [
so is Mountain private property, Desert private property, River private property, Farm land private property ... US property laws and US Constitution are the same - just because beachfront is the most desirable private property does not make the property rights any different under the Constitution].
I mentioned in an earlier post the possibility of solving this issue. Perhaps stiffer rules within 1000 feet of County beach front accesses governing who can do what and when and to what extent. Perhaps no one’s allowed on the beach at night except for chasing ghost crabs I don’t know [
makes no difference if the laws are not enforced].
I believe most of the people who are pushing private beaches own near beach accesses [
wrong again; 650+ BF parcel owners, including Seaside, are pushing to intervene for their property rights to the MHWL - but public beach accesses is where the least respectful public occupation of private property occurs]. I believe most people who own homes in interior areas really don’t care because they don’t have crowds near their home [
Wrong again].
That’s the only solution I can think of to stop this madness [
only solution because you do not respect legal beachfront private property rights]. The other areas should be open to public use from the dune line to the waterline with no restrictions except for existing laws [
Of course it should, you have no real-property skin in the game].
Come together, set some rules and enforcement that addressed the “behavior” [
that is ALREADY the Commissioners and TDC duty to do! There has been for decades and is a Walton beach ordinance. Education and enforcement would help - but addressing pubic behavior is already the Commissioners’ duty to do], end the lawsuit, [
how about publicly tell people to stop the antisocial media misinformation and BFO shaming and name calling? It's disrespectful and antagonistic] take down the signs [
how do you reduce the public supply and beach demand problem? More TDC advertising that benefits mostly 30A beach-view businesses? Then signs may not be needed] and reset our community [
Commissioners and CU in-credible misinformation purveyors have already drawn a CU MHW-line in the sand with the first 2017 CU ordinance and current CU litigation]. Do I think for a second that all of you would agree to that? I doubt it very seriously. [
Ditto, back at you!]
Eglin AFB beaches
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