Good morning, Blue Mountain Beach Vagrant. I'm worried about you. You are on the site ALL THE TIME.
What can I say? I love SoWal!
Seriously, my passion for private property rights and fear of government abuse is deeply rooted. When someone like a Dave Rauschkolb can manipulate the hearts and minds of so many who don’t see the facts and real percussions of eroding private property rights, it really motivates me to speak up.
Dave is everywhere.
I don’t bother posting on Facebook. I don’t write unicorn articles and inject them via multiple outlets attacking the sanctity of owning private property with very little push back from credible sources. I don’t organize a FPPA group (Florida private property advocates) and go way out of my way to spread mistruths and generate ill will towards those who don’t own private property. I don’t grab the hands of fellow BFOs and have “Stand on Our Own Sand” demonstrations. I don’t go on the weather channel. I don’t analyze the spelling of sherrriiff...on and on and on and on.
So the time I spend just here helping to shed the light of truth to those willing to listen with an open mind is definitely worth it to me in many ways. And it pales in comparison to the time Dave R spends (you should definitely be more worried about him).
But I appreciate your concern. I’ve been working on my hole in the water and it’s hot as hell out there. Coming inside and jumping on SoWal actually helps me cool off.
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