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Beach Fanatic
Mar 27, 2005
Pt. Washington
That is a very good property. Has there been a final determination of the fate of the Hotel Viridian? Has the property been flipped? Are there contracts on units? Does a corporation group own it or an individual? Is there contact info? Thanks

Due to the market conditions there was not a great deal of interest so it was tabled until the market returns from what I understand. One of the investors is George Hartley, and the Hotel would be located at the Seagrove Village Market location.


Beach Lover
Feb 21, 2007
The bottom line is that, given the current market condition, it is VERY unlikely that this project will ever be built. I will not conceal the fact that I am happy about this. I never liked it because of the design. The architecture is too modern for a corner that is basically the gateway to Seagrove. Also I believe that the plan required the removal of those awesome oaks at the corner. Also, the developer paid too much for the land to receive an adequate return. Their expectations were high because the project was planned at the market peak.
I agree that the property is the Gateway To Seagrove. Location, Location, Location. I was going to rent a property from the fire dept. just down the street for 1,500.00 per month. Their rep. had said the hotel was going to rent it for 5,000 for a sales center and it fell through. I have been wondering about that transaction.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 14, 2008
Never could understand how they expected the traffic pattern to work on that corner. Of course, the BCC can rationalize anything when it comes to more tax money for the Walton County coffers. Hope nothing ever is built there.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 21, 2005
Louisville KY
hotel at the corner of 30A & 395?

I'm sorry if this has all been discussed. I searched one page of results.
Anyway, it is in phase 1? Timeshare? Wondered how long that corner would stay empty.
Happy New Year and see you again, Ellen

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
search the threads for "hotel Viridian" and you will find plenty on the subject.

Phase II:



Beach Fanatic
Jul 11, 2005
Northeast Alabama
Looks a little sterile to me. If it dosen't go over they could convert it to a outpatient clinic or small hospital.:dunno:

Matt J

May 9, 2007
It mentions on the sign that they are starting phase I. I haven't seen a single sign of construction starting. :dunno:
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