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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Beach access is for everyone, not just those that can walk to the beach. Some people ride on wheel chairs. Lets keep that in mind and enforce ADA rules.

I have yet to see a walkover which wasn't blocked with many pairs of shoes or wagons and baby strollers.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
Someone mentioned that in the Plat for the Inn at Blue Mountain Beach, it calls for five public parking spaces.

That was me, but it isn't the plat, it is a court case. See post # 448.
Jul 16, 2007
Most beaches not accessible to wheelchairs - Kathryn Simmons - NBC2 NEWS - Posted on: Wednesday, March 02, 2005
COLLIER COUNTY? Every day people in wheelchairs face challenges
getting into businesses and government buildings, even though there is a
federal civil rights act to protect the disabled.

"It's very frustrating," said Scott Straub.
For Scott Straub, every day can be frustrating.
"Every day, something different, it has been a challenge," said Straub.
The beach is supposed to be a place to relax, but to Straub, who is paralyzed from the chest down, it is a stressful obstacle course.

Getting to the water was Straub's ultimate goal, but it didn't take long for his independent journey to end.

Equal access is what we're looking for, for everyone, said Straub.
The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, is the federal law designed to protect the disabled and provide that access.
Representative Connie Mack IV, said don't bet on it.

At Bowditch Regional Park on Fort Myers Beach they have what's called a mobi-mat. It runs closer to the water, and for Straub, it is a pathway towards freedom.

The wheelchair beach rally will be Saturday, March 5th at 9:00 am on Vanderbilt Beach in Collier
County. The rally is not a protest, but a way to raise awareness.


North Lake

Beach Lover
Apr 15, 2007

We have an active ADA Committee appointed by our Board of Commissioners to review public facilities and make recommendations for better access. They've done a pretty good job of creating awareness and doing what we can to improve access in our courthouses, county buildings, ... and beach accesses ...with our TDC and facilities management folks. Our regional accesses (those with the parking, showers, and restrooms) all have ADA ramps down to the beach. We're going to be placing a marker at one of the accesses soon in memory of one of the committee members who recently passed away.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I just finished reading the legal description on the plat for The Retreat. I notice that it often uses the term, "approximate," when describing the southern boundary of the property and Mean High Water Mark. My question is how can The Retreat remove people from property, if they don't even indicate it precisely in the legal description. You can bet I will take the plat with me every day I go to the beach in front of The Retreat. I'll gladly show the Sheriff's Deputy that the property boundary is not precise enough for The Retreat to have me removed.
Last edited:
Jul 16, 2007
'We have an active ADA Committee appointed by our Board of Commissioners to review public facilities'

I am sorry to hear about your friend. Life is very hard for those in chairs and being an activist takes a ton of energy.

If you read the article I posted it was about the access for chairs ending at the soft sand.

It's almost impossible to ride/push/shove a chair and the rider to the hard sand - We tried with much effort

The mobi-matt is expensive but is used as a moveable, permiable hard surface.

Also the big tire chairs should be located at major ramps so individuals can use them and either be pushed into the water or some have a self propultion system.

Every county should have a master plan to comply with ADA standards. Its been years since this became law. There is no excuse and those in chairs need YOUR help as they are a growing minority.

With increasing war veterans and aging baby boomers, the numbers of those needing mobility assistance is increasing and ADA issues are much more prevalent.

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
I just finished reading the legal description on the plat for The Retreat. I notice that it often uses the term, "approximate," when describing the southern boundary of the property and Mean High Water Mark. My question is how can The Retreat remove people from property, if they don't even indicate it precisely in the legal description. You can bet I will take the plat with me every day I go to the beach in front of The Retreat. I'll gladly show the Sheriff's Deputy that the property boundary is not precise enough for The Retreat to have me removed.SJ, if you would let me know the next time you are going to sit at the Retreat, I would like to join you if possible and you don't mind.
I had and interesting discussion with a tourist yesterday about 1330 from Chattanooga yesterday on the beach below the Retreat. She and her husband had been challenged two days earlier and their daughters day before yesterday. Nobody challenged us yesterday and the signs near the Inn at Blue Mt. appeared to be gone. I spent about an hour and l5 minute sitting and lying on the "dry sand". Maybe all the negative publicity is beginning to have an affect.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I must have just missed you, yesterday. The no trespassing signs are still posted on the beach at the Inn at BMB. My trips to the beach are more spontaneous than planned events, but maybe I'll see you there.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Original "posture":

I have always firmly believed the beaches are for all of us to enjoy. The edge of the bluff or the edge of the dunes should be the property line for beach front homeowners. Even this "mean high tide waterline" rule is ridiculous.

When you pay for beach front you are paying for the view and the risk of being washed away in a hurricane, you're not paying for the beach behind you. Trying to own the beach is like trying to own the sky.

I would proudly be arrested for walking on the beach anywhere on the "Beaches of South Walton." Get it? The Beaches of South Walton. Do we need to change the name of the place?

Dave, "come and get me" Rauschkolb.

Latest "posture":

I recommend any protest be organized, respectful, and in the mean high tide water line. Being anything but honorable will just look bad. Stay within the law make your points heard and enjoy the beach with a smile.

I like the "new" Dave a whole lot better. :D


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
I will agree that GG is entitled to say what he wants. It's no secret I think GG is off base in more ways than one. All underlined text are hyperlinks.

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showthread.php?p=265247#post265247"]Starts off his posts with a link to a "video" he made.[/ame]
A couple of people criticised the video for the content (or lack of).

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265359&postcount=567"]Then GG goes on some rediculous diatribe that[/ame]
"A desert has no water, no wet sand area, no problem there, it could be private.
What is a desert area with water? A beach.
Who is part owner of the wet area? The public.
Wet + Dry cannot be ENTIRELY PRIVATE"

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265374&postcount=573"]And adds a "wise proverb[/ame]"
"Keep arresting and we'll keep tellin
Keep harassing and we'll keep yellin"

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265385&postcount=576"]GG even pulled the wool over Bobby's eyes.[/ame]
"I am sure of one thing BMBV. Graham is more versed in this then you and I."

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265409&postcount=581"]GG talks of deputies acting as owners agents[/ame]
and states, "I'M STILL WAITING VAGRANT.....are police breaking the law by assisting these owners in the arrest on 'their land'?"

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265413&postcount=582"]I respond a "3rd time" regarding what an "owner's agent" is.[/ame]
No acknowledgement whatsoever from GG.

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265428&postcount=587"]GG then accuses me of being an ex-cop.[/ame]

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265445&postcount=593"]GG states Yippie is "#2 on his no response list and that Yippie's medication is wearing off.[/ame]

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=265455&postcount=598"]GG bids "Goodbye and farewell".[/ame]

GG is back after only a one day's absence!

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=266156&postcount=696"]Amazing quotes from GG:[/ame]
"As always find a lawyer for these difficult land issues for help"
"Gov Christ is not likely to look favourably on the privitization of Florida's beaches."
The word "privitization" implies that the beach was not private to begin with.

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=266659&postcount=733"]GG wants to "humiliate" the security gaurd at the Retreat and asks SJ to post a video on Youtube.[/ame]

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=266895&postcount=745"]GG's comparisons become desperate:[/ame]
"So, when you say "I own the beach" it's like someone saying their private driveway that connects to the freeway "I own the freeway", when they don't. They just own a very small area of land that happens to connect to the freeway."
The rest of the post is similar, first amendment analogies and all.

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=266920&postcount=748"]GG shamelessly enlists the support of ADA advocates in this totally unrelated matter:[/ame]
"A couple of years ago we had a rally at one of our beaches to protest the inadequate facilities at beaches for disabled persons.
Boy, if anything gets the attention of local government, its the ADA coming down on them."

[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=266924&postcount=749"]And continues to drift on ADA matters here.[/ame]
[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=266974&postcount=753"]And here quoting a 2 year old article about a wheelchair rally.[/ame]
[ame="http://www.sowal.com/bb/showpost.php?p=267285&postcount=756"]And here talking getting wheelchairs across the sand.[/ame]

PLEASE understand, I have no problem with the ADA...just the idea that GG thinks its appropriate to mix ADA subjects with the main subject of this thread (they are entirely separate).

But do you know what bugs me the most?

The idea of the Walton Sun giving this guy any credence:
From this article on 7-13-07 (click here):
"The AGO, indicates that the upland owner may enforce trespassing laws, but cannot expect to use law enforcement to assist them with the enforcement of these laws on their property, for fear of violating the Florida Constitution. The upland owner can only use law enforcement for filing complaints."

Oh yea, he repeated the same "stuff" again in his final statement in the Walton Sun in a second article (click here) on the same day:
"Did local law enforcement act as agents of the private landowner against Mr. Gonzalez and hence violate the Florida Constitution?"

As I explained three times in the past, the sheriff did not act as an owner's agent, plain and simple, no doubt, not even close, period.

Yet GG refuses to acknowledge this SIMPLE observation and instead tries to cast an unfavorable light on the sheriff's department as I have repeatedly indicated the past.

GG is basically stating the sheriff broke the law, not the trespasser.

If the people of Walton County truly want to see any change, I would suggest aligning with those of more character and consistency.
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