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Jul 16, 2007
Looks like the pressure is getting to you or is it the truth that hurts?

Character assasination online isn't new. You didn't invent it.

YOU ARE the problem, not the media, not me and not the majority of your population

Your elected commissioners are bowing at your feet to keep you happy and pulling along the sheriff for the ride, their big gun.

Last time I checked, WaltonHam and the Sheriff of WaltonHam are still part of America.

Only the people in your area will make a change

I hope they choose to and weather the insults and abuses from people like you

Don't worry folks, America won't abandon you, this doesn't have to hurt it just confuses the brain somewhat, not coming close to a visit at the dentist :rofl: MNAO in Naples
Jul 16, 2007
'PLEASE understand, I have no problem with the ADA...just the idea that GG thinks its appropriate to mix ADA subjects with the main subject of this thread (they are entirely separate).'

I guess none of your friends, some of them war vets would EVER want to go to the beach?

Why would someone who cannot use their legs ever want to get wet, in the salt water, in the Gulf with the sharks and sting rays and get bit by sand fleas and and and and....?

You can't have too many friends to be so narrow minded
Jul 16, 2007
'If a sheriff goes around looking for trespassers, then the sheriff is acting an owner's agent.
If the sheriff is called by the owner to enforce the law, i.e. trespassing, then the sheriff is simply doing that.'

Hello, hello Mr. Vagrant - I've read your post several times, not because I disagree with you, not because I think you're the next best thing since sliced bread, but for one reason and one reason only...

Because I have no idea what you're TRYING to say.

Now I know you're trying to say something, so why not brush up on the english, quit the cut & pasting and say what every the hell you want.

Just make it clear so we can understand. Just spit it out man, you can do it.

Now is that too much to ask?


Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
'If a sheriff goes around looking for trespassers, then the sheriff is acting an owner's agent.
If the sheriff is called by the owner to enforce the law, i.e. trespassing, then the sheriff is simply doing that.'

Hello, hello Mr. Vagrant - I've read your post several times, not because I disagree with you, not because I think you're the next best thing since sliced bread, but for one reason and one reason only...

Because I have no idea what you're TRYING to say.

Now I know you're trying to say something, so why not brush up on the english, quit the cut & pasting and say what every the hell you want.

Just make it clear so we can understand. Just spit it out man, you can do it.

Now is that too much to ask?


I know it can be difficult to understand what someone else is saying when both sides are heated and focused on our own opinions. I have read the laws and penalties associated with both types of trespassing in the State of Florida. I think the laws are vaguely written in some respects, but I didn't have any question with the particular part about the role of an agent. With this particular instance of the Deputy coming out on a call by an agent (security guard in this case) for the property, I agree with BMBV that the law does not recognize the Sheriff's Deputy as an Agent for the property owner. If the Sheriff was not called to the scene, but decided to monitor the area for trespass, own his or her own, only then, would he or she be considered an Agent for the homeowner, which would violate the use of public funds. Personally, I thought that BMBV wrote his interpretation fairly clearly on this matter of Agents, but I may have not been reading it fully, since I thought I had a clear understanding of the issue already and agreed with his interpretation.
Jul 16, 2007
Like everything else in SOWAL, legal matters are decided outside of our courts.

Judges and lawyers need no apply within as the jobs are already taken


Didn't you just love the one about the ADA not having anyting to do with access?

You had me rolling on that one sis.
My sides are hurtin :rotfl:
Jul 16, 2007
Just looking at the beach access picture, showing the walk over.
Dude, how the hell is that ADA compliant?

Steps, helloooo

They should be ramps. Oh, oh, should I have missed that?

Nah, too much fun :rotfl:

How would you file an ADA complaint? Not difficult at all if you're in a chair. Start by callin the reps at the Dept of Justice.

LONG BRANCH - A city resident has filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice on behalf of senior citizens and disabled residents of the city he says have been denied beach access.

"Municipalities, such as Long Branch, are since January 1995, legally and categorically required by the ADA law to make these facilities ADA compliant," Gelzer said.

You go girl :clap: ........................

[FONT=Times,Times New Roman]U.S. Department of Justice[/FONT]

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004

I appreciate your fight for the ADA. However, unless you can quickly wrap it into context as to how it applies with the three properties trying to keep the beaches private, please refrain from posting it in this thread. Feel free to start a new thread for the ADA (I think it deserves some attention), but this particular thread is not the appropriate thread for it. We are trying to keep the beaches public, as they have been for years, and I fail to see the connection between ADA and our issue with private vs public beaches.
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