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SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
There is every opportunity to login as an anonymous blogger and do the same. It's not in my character to do so, but you are setting a presidence for others. Where are your blog rules? Pray tell the location as I don't like being a target for anyone, especially on what appears to be a real estate website.


Speaking from my position as the official target of slander and libel on the "Real Estate thread" of this website let me say this.....



......get over yourself! :roll:




Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rules you want? Here are some rules for you:

1. This is not a blog it is a forum. There are several free blogs you can set up for yourself.

2. Calling me at home (especially on a Saturday) with aggression in your voice, blabbering about rules and character assassination, after making a recent flurry of annoying, inflammatory, and nonsensical posts will get you banned.

If anyone has a problem with a post, please use the "report post" icon next to each post.

Thanks and bye bye. :wave:

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach

I appreciate your fight for the ADA. However, unless you can quickly wrap it into context as to how it applies with the three properties trying to keep the beaches private, please refrain from posting it in this thread. Feel free to start a new thread for the ADA (I think it deserves some attention), but this particular thread is not the appropriate thread for it. We are trying to keep the beaches public, as they have been for years, and I fail to see the connection between ADA and our issue with private vs public beaches.

Amen to that, SJ. The discussion of ADA does not belong here.

John R

needs to get out more
Dec 31, 2005
'GG, you think someone slandered or libeled you? where? I don't see anything of the sort.

should i still be waiting for the instances of libel and slander??

Once again, there is no need for judges and lawyers in SOWAL. All these positions have been taken by the bloggers.

what bloggers? there are people posting on a bulletin board who are engaging you in discussion. if you read the entire thread, or others of it's sort, you would understand that some here are quite plain in what they say and how they say it.

Trust me I should be able to find several that don't think as you do. Dollar figure? You tell me.

you should? does that mean you can't? i should be able to find many who are as weary of your posts as i am. wait, i can, by reading this thread.
dollar figure what? will you need to pay people to voice the same as you, or is that some weakly veiled nod toward your supposed libel/slander accusations? are you a blogging lawyer?

There's a big difference when attacking an anonymous blogger and a blogger that clearly states their name, location and profession.

...attacking by an anonymous blogger...?? again, please indicate where you have been attacked

Lets face it , your approach isn't about fixing anything in SOWAL, its about beating down the 'opposition' by threats and intimidation. It's the ego trip. You're right and the rest of the world is wrong.

my approach?? you know nothing about my approach. beating down? threats? intimidation? where? my ego isn't in question.

Do you see any other bloggers saying that you shouldn't post about this or that.... No siree Bob

a blogger can say what they wish on their blog, it's theirs. i don't see where anyone told you not to post anything. i do see where it was suggested that you post something in a relevant thread, bob.

Think carefully before you answer that question

ok, what question?

If you didn't oppose private beaches you would get more listings

was that the question? i'm not a realtor, i don't get listings

Its all small town intimidation. Nuthin new here folks.

are you intimidated?

Here, a storms just moved in from the Gulf and that means surf up ....

hang ten. how is relevant to your claim of intimidation?

Oh maybe we start a thread on treating everyones opinion with respect, without intimidation and without threats?

you should definitely start one.

I'll post this ahead to save you the effort :
'GG, you think someone slandered or libeled you or threatened you or intimidated you or anyone else on the blog? where? I don't see anything of the sort. Where are my d*mn spectacles? Honey, please get off my specs, some beach nut said sumin about sumin and I feel hard pressed to respond to his jabin. D*mn foreigners think they no about every thin'

was that to be funny?

if you have taken notice, it seems that you are posting stuff that may be pertinent, but your method of delivery is quite amateur; posting on top of your self, the aforementioned indiscriminate use of fonts and color, making off topic posts, etc, then whining that you're being picked on, etc. how many BULLETIN BOARDS have you been banned from? have you noticed no one really responds to your posts? maybe this isn't the board for you. and reading forward of this post, did you really call kurt at home? were you the last one to be picked for kickball?

looking back, i realize i didn't even get a chance to refer to you as a chucklehead.
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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Moving right along, I wonder if today, being a major change out day for rentals, the Security Circus will be up and running again. Should be interesting. Maybe someone will get some live video footage of people getting kicked off the dry sandy beach. :popcorn:


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
You missed my point altogether. I was cheering on OZBEACHMOM and giving her advice to be more effective. She is as willing as I am to be arrested over this IF it comes to it as there are many more willing folks ...IF it comes to it. I am out of town or I would be there myself chatting it up with the security guards. Kudos to Sowallers who are keeping an eye on this in person.

Provoking an arrest is effective but is no longer necessary in this situation. The arrests have happened and so now the opposition has begun. The words "led away in handcuffs" was all the spark needed to turn the tide. How many hours a day do you spend on this?

So, I am sorry my dear BMBVagrant I believe the public has always won on this issue and will continue to do so. And my prediction is: When this is all decided access could be broader than the MHTWL not less. And any "posture" I have will be sitting with my butt firmly in the dry, white sand.

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems. ......Mahatma Gandhi

Edit / Added for clarification:
Originally Posted by Dave Rauschkolb
"I recommend any protest be organized, respectful, and in the mean high tide water line. Being anything but honorable will just look bad. Stay within the law make your points heard and enjoy the beach with a smile."

I replied,
"I like the "new" Dave a whole lot better. "

Damn, I pay you a compliment and you still jump on me.:D Regarding hours spent, you are in Costa Rica now, right? What the hell are you doing wasting your time chatting with me?:cool:

Side issue, where are you guys staying? Thinking about a trip down there soon. Any suggestions? (now be nice.) Of course I'll have to purchase carbon credits from Al Gore to fly on that "big ole' jet airliner".... Did they make you?

Seriously, it truly must be nice to be on a beach in a country where you know you won't be run off (I really mean that!).

On the other hand, my wife told me of a story when she and a friend of hers went to Cancun. They stayed in a hotel across the street. When they tried to go to the beach, they were run off because the beach was private.

You guys owe us some pictures from down there, at least!
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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005

Shelly, scratch out the word ECONOMIC and the above may possibly here.

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
We are staying at the Harmony Hotel in Nosara. From the hotel the beach is just a short walk through a canopyed single person trail opening to a wide, lush 2 mile long beach. Direct flights leave daily from Houston on Continental or less reliably, on Delta from Atlanta to Liberia in Northern Costa Rica, The guanecaste region. The drive to Nosara takes about 2 hours over a nice highway to a typical Tico bumpy dirt road to paradise. You could take surfing lessons while your wife goes to the Yoga institute here. Or Visa Versa. Many an x-pat live here or come here regularly for the breathtaking beauty, simplicity, good food and the sweetest people you will ever meet. And the waves.........


There are many other options for rentals/rooms but this hotel has it all.


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005


There are many other options for rentals/rooms but this hotel has it all.

Looks interesting.....but $57 for a bottle of $10 Rosemount Estate Diamond Shiraz!!! Holy Crap! :eek:

<NOTE TO SELF: Look into opening a wine shop to service USA boomer retirees in Costa Rica.>


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