Yea I am saying that there are accesses that legally belong to property owners north of 30A that have been taken over by BFOs. There are even pictures somewhere on this site (I think) of one that Mr. McMansion landscaped and put up palm trees in the middle of it.
Well that sucks. I know when I bought my property I had to stay right on the title company as they were missing things. I know one neighborhood Seabreeze took Ramsgate to court and won back their access. So yes, I got ya now. I'm sure you are right and it's very ridiculous. But unfortunately, it was up to the deeded access owners to defend their interest and not let someone get away with pulling this kind of crap. Seems like a lot of messy stuff with property has gone on in Walton county. I could go through my neigborhoods battles but your point is well taken.