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Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
ecopal said:
Doing extensive research on what kind, size, and material to make a hard seawall is like researching the best way to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.

The basic premise is absurd. The ultimate out come is certain to all those who are not in complete denial.

Another WELL THOUGHT OUT post by our pal and your pal, echopal !!! Gee thanks.

Hey ecopal,

You said, "Doing extensive research on what kind, size, and material to make a hard seawall is like researching the best way to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. "

What would you have us do if you were God? Don't take the idea too seriously.... the position is still not vacant from what most everyone has told me. :D Again please try to answer this question, what would you have us do?

Again remember I'm a GF property owner whose property is considered non-conforming and was in danger of collapse from the next storm. Some people may not understand the implications but YOU CERTAINLY SHOULD.

Here's your chance to shine !!!!!!!

BTW, why in the hell don't you have the guts to respond to my response to your (basically thoughtless, slanted, propagandized, alarmist, run for your life if you can fit between our retaining wall and the water's edge type of hysteria, with "MUCH"? loss of sand, etc., etc.).

You know what I'm talking about.

Do you have to get Kurt to defend your incoherent position in regards to your ABSOLUTELY MISLEADING "PICTURE" at Blue Mountain Beach?

You, my friend, have some serious issues (only hurts yourself)... even worse, as a result, you're TRYING to take down lots of others with you. You have some agenda to truly try to hurt all beach front property owners regardless of legalities, situations, etc. You insist, over and over, to lump all GF owners as one. I don't think I've missed anything here.

You are continuously painting a BLACK and WHITE picture when there are some "emerald" colors involved. :D

You, my friend, do not have one single beach front friend at the moment (that I can find). This will haunt you one day, one way or another. I think it has already started.

"Rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic." That is soooooo thought provoking. Smoke is bellowing out my ears as I digest all the significance of that eye opening statement. WOW !!! What other "words of wisdom" can you share??? Can't wait to hear!!

You also stated "The basic premise is absurd. The ultimate out come is certain to all those who are not in complete denial."

Did you mean to leave the word "not" out above? Seems so.

Do you own a home on the beach (or near it)?

Assuming you do own a beach home.... doesn't the above statement also apply to you when a cat 4 or 5 comes barreling down on our area?

"Absurd"? Hmmm... absurd.... ABSURD!! The only thing ABSURD is that YOU think you're completely immune from mother nature being near the coast, again assuming you live near the coast.

I used the word "light weight" a few times in previous posts. I promised I wouldn't call people names (a promise made to Kurt and others). I will stand by that promise and refrain from calling you a #$@$#@ #@$#@ #@$#@$.

Try, really try, REALLY REALLY TRY to present something of substance regarding MY situation and what suggestions you may make regarding how I can minimized my impact to the beach BESIDES JUST LEAVING TOWN (which so far seems to be your only solution and also your twisted desire).

You're a smart person, right? (I didn't do any name calling here, did I?). PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Yes, I'm asking for help. Did everyone hear me? I'm ASKING FOR SOME FREAKING HELP from ecopal. I don't want to be persecuted any longer.

Thank you,


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
Allifunn said:
I am not sure the above will appear in quote formation...but you get the idea....
It seems to me that bmbv has indeed done quite a bit of research and he should be commended on this..I dare to say that few GF owners are as resonsibe or as well informed! If more owners would become active as this, I am sure the beach would not be in such a precarious situation now.

Thanks! Just hope that's not a set up for a sucker punch!! :lol:

Most of the people on this board are owners in one way or another...and they are all very active in trying to procure a solution to the many problems facing said ownership. It is the thousands of other owners that worry me...the ones that really have no clue, I wish they could all read these posts. Ignorance only leads to downfall! While this thread tended to whirl out of control at times, it has been an extremely informative thread.

KURT, Oh KURT !!!! Are you reading this?? Allifun seems to think that maybe not that many people are reading this thread. She's a non-believer.

Allifun, here's proof people are reading this....
Based on the number of "views" of this thread, this thread is the 6th most read thread based on the following:

This thread has over 6300 views. I think the word (both sides) is starting to get out. Perhaps that's why ecopal is short with the responses (basically none that I see). If he doesn't stick his head to high, it won't get chopped off. He must have some military training as he knows how to dart and hide. He see's that he'll be judged by more than just his immediate group of rah rah supporters.

I totally believe (nope, I know) there are many many more people like me out here. They are however content in letting me perform reconissance for now. Maybe they'll jump later when the battle really heats up. Perhaps they're just being kind and don't want to "gang up" on ecopal.

ALL I want is a LOGICAL dialog. Not a "Chicken Little" thing where the earth is coming to an end.

Allifun, I'm trying to stay focused. I hope maybe you see the new me! :D

Thanks for kind words and for being somewhat temperate!


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
iwishiwasthere said:
I have read this thread for a while. While I do not own property( would love to, but kids in college suck the funds away), I do care about the area. Anything man made that would prevent a beach shoreline being destroyed should be skipped.

Having been to St Simmons Island, one of the major drawbacks was the horrible retaining walls. No beach at all when tides come in. I cannot fathom SoWal looking like this area.

I also cannot imagine the grief of owning ocean front property that would be destroyed with more wave action. However, it is a beach, and man cannot prevent nature. No matter how hard he tries. Just my 2 cents.

Although your post was not apparently directed right at me, I'd like to ask you (as I've asked others)....

What do you think of the beach renourishment going on in Walton and Okaloosa Counties?



Beach Comber
Jun 15, 2005
I believe Beach Renourishment is the answer. And to do that in a timely manner would undoubtedly require having to compromise the quality of our sand. This is a sad fact we have to face. And it is costly, and temporary. But it is a farbetter solution than seawalls. I don't need to list all the reasons why, they've been detailed already.

One way to test this theory:
Beach front owners, ask yourself this. Please be brutally honest with yourself. If the worst case scenario happened, and the seawalls do indeed end up eroding our beaches as they did in St. Simons, Galveston and other places, would you sell your South Walton home and re-purchase elsewhere as a result? Would you be inclined to go where there is a nicer beach? Your sincere answer to this could be illuminating, and just may provide clarity towards the best solutions to this difficult question.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
BlueMtnBeachVagrant said:
Although your post was not apparently directed right at me, I'd like to ask you (as I've asked others)....

What do you think of the beach renourishment going on in Walton and Okaloosa Counties?


I do not know if the renourishment is the right way to go. Maybe there is no right answer, just one with the least amount of harm to the area. That would be the one I choose.
Nature can make a different kind of beauty....that is how it came to be originally....the tall dunes, coastal lakes....humans just fall short.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
To BMBvagrant:
Your biggest immediate problem is your anger which not only hurts your credibility but is self destructive to your health. I empathize with your unresolved grieving issues over your property losses.

I also comprehend the difficult choices you undoubtedly had to make to put in a seawall. I can imagine that none of the options you faced were very pleasant. Putting in a seawall could have been the best short term solution for you personally.

You will have to live with the consequences of your decision good or bad. Unfortunately so may others who use the beach including animal and human.

I do know one beach front owner whose property is in harms way that decided not to put up seawalls or install geotubes.

They felt that spending considerable money on a seawall/geotube with such extremely uncertain benefits and outcomes is not worth the expense and potential risks.

They are also concerned about issues such as potential fines from government agencies and their personal liability if their wall should cause their neighbor?s beach and property to be scoured away due to their seawall. The harm that seawalls can do is well documented.

Some beachfront owners are putting in white sand, planting sea oats, and installing sand fencing to protect their property since it is less risky, less expensive and more environment friendly.

Some figure that it would be cheaper to just rebuild further back on their lot if they lose their home.

I would be interested in hearing from some beach front owners that chose not to put up walls/geotubes and their rationales.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 17, 2004
I have purposely avoided this thread until now, because I had no dog in this fight....until today. Turns out, our long-awaited, highly-anticipated vacation in in mid-May will likely be ruined due to the seawall construction at Blue Mountain Beach. I was told the seawall in front of the house where we are staying would be completed by April 1. As it turns out, it's not even halfway finished, not to mention the dozens of other seawalls under construction within a rock's throw of the house.

Now, it's too late to find other suitable accommodations.

This practice is just wrong on number of levels.

Boy, I just can't wait to take pictures of our little boy and his first trip to the beach with backhoes, pile drivers and black sand in the background :pissed:

Angry? You damn skippy I'm angry.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
To JB.
Good news!
All beach construction must stop by May 1st, the beginning of sea turtle nesting season.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 17, 2004
ecopal said:
To JB.
Good news!
All beach construction must stop by May 1st, the beginning of sea turtle nesting season.

Are you absolutely, positively sure about that? Even my rental agency doesn't know about this, if true. Where did you hear this?

Don't get me wrong, it's great news if true. But its the first I've heard of it.


SoWal Insider
JB said:
Are you absolutely, positively sure about that? Even my rental agency doesn't know about this, if true. Where did you hear this?

Don't get me wrong, it's great news if true. But its the first I've heard of it.

Also, I'm wondering, when the beach construction stops -- that doesn't necessarily mean it will be finished, right? Just that it isn't going on anymore? There may be a mad scramble to get done but what if everyone doesn't? Who knows who will be left with what chair when the music stops? If I were JB I would be looking at other options too.
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