ecopal said:
To BMBvagrant:
Your biggest immediate problem is your anger which not only hurts your credibility but is self destructive to your health. I empathize with your unresolved grieving issues over your property losses.
Now you're sticking your nose into my health? BTW empathy from you is really not needed by me... I assure you. Some of my losses were covered by insurance. Future losses are covered by my diligent efforts in researching ALL facets of retaining wall construction as well as the legalities involved and then paying for it - not taking a cheaper (weaker wall) way out. DO TAKE COMFORT that this incidental take stuff is a little confusing however. But my health is still good. Thanks for caring.
I also comprehend the difficult choices you undoubtedly had to make to put in a seawall. I can imagine that none of the options you faced were very pleasant. Putting in a seawall could have been the best short term solution for you personally.
Oh no!! Thanks! (Fellow GF owners, I may be waning from my staunch position with all this nicety...... na.... fear not!)
You will have to live with the consequences of your decision good or bad. Unfortunately so may others who use the beach including animal and human.
I know, I know, I know, I know... I'm destroying the beach. You've already said that.
I do know one beach front owner whose property is in harms way that decided not to put up seawalls or install geotubes.
They felt that spending considerable money on a seawall/geotube with such extremely uncertain benefits and outcomes is not worth the expense and potential risks.
You know what? That's not the first time I've heard that, even from a few beach front owners who had a hard time deciding the same thing and fro the same reasons? Surprised?
I struggled with other GF owners that felt the same way: "...all walls will fail anyway" (basically some of the same rehtoric on this board). So if they believe this and also if they don't have the financial wherewithall to execute the project, then yes, your "one beach front owner" made a decision, but maybe not based on the best information available to them or for financial reasons.
They are also concerned about issues such as potential fines from government agencies and their personal liability if their wall should cause their neighbor?s beach and property to be scoured away due to their seawall. The harm that seawalls can do is well documented.
That's their concern, not mine regarding potential fines. You should
clarify the above before I can comment on their concern.
BTW, were they entitled to have a retaining wall?
Is their neighbor to the west entitled to have a wall?
Is their neighbor to the east entitled to have a wall?
If not, is your GF owner and immediate neighbors sitting within a 250 foot (or less) gap between existing qualified walls?
Give me a crumb here !!!
Some beachfront owners are putting in white sand, planting sea oats, and installing sand fencing to protect their property since it is less risky, less expensive and more environment friendly.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me a break with all this sea oats / sand fence / white sand stuff. We
did ALL that after Opal. Ivan took it all away. We put it all back after Ivan to no avail.... ALL GONE BYE-BYE after Dennis !! What part of that and that and that do you not understand !!!!!?????? Get serious.
Oh yea.... all this occurred before most of retaining walls were built. So don't blame the past erosion of our bluffs to retaining walls that did not exist.
Of course I fully expect you and others to say... "See? I told you so. Hurricane Zebra (a mythical cat 3 hurricane) took another 15 feet of beach away "next door" because of your wall." You'll conveniently forget about the BLUFF erosion rate prior to this point in time (that's today BTW). We'll see.
Some figure that it would be cheaper to just rebuild further back on their lot if they lose their home.
Some people figure differently (doesn't make them a banker). It is
never cheaper to rebuild back if the structure exists substantially undamaged compared to retaining wall protection.
I would be interested in hearing from some beach front owners that chose not to put up walls/geotubes and their rationales.
I'm not sure any GF owners want to waste their time to debate you. From feedback from my friends, I'm doing a fair job at that (wasting my time that is :funn: ). BUT yes, it would be interesting to hear from others in my / our situation.