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Beach Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
Important meeting regarding seawalls Monday, March 13

March 13th, Monday, 5 pm at the South Walton Courthouse Annex.
The public is invited.

County Sponsoring a Community Workshop on the Beaches.
(Please note this meeting was originally scheduled for March 21st. It has been moved to the 13th).

in attendance:

County staff

Florida Department of Environmental Regulation

U.S. Fish & Wildlife

Issues include the Incidental Take Permits, use of public tax money for
private seawalls, and private intrusion on public beach property.

# 1 Issue: Should Taxpayer Money Be Used to bring Private Seawalls into compliance with Federal law?

Who will pay for the incidental take permits and conservation plan that U.S. Fish & Wildlife is requiring for 158 of the seawalls that would otherwise be in violation of the Endangered Species Act.

Should tax money be used to help pay for seawalls which are only intended to protect private property?

Seawalls do not protect the beach.

To the contrary, documents published by both U.S. Fish & Wildlife and the DEP indicate that coastal armoring ?can result in accelerated erosion seaward of the hardened structure and adjacent to the structure, especially on the downdraft side (end scour)?*

# 2 Issue: Should the County Approve Seawalls Constructed on the Public Beach which can contribute to beach erosion and interfere with public use?

A representative for 10 property owners in the Seagrove Beach area has acknowledged that their seawalls were ?inadvertently? built seaward of their gulf front property line. *In other words, their seawalls are on public property, anywhere from 28? to 40? beyond their property line. Most of the walls are already finished and covered with sand.

*The ?DEP Report for the Governor?s Coastal High Hazard Study Commission? states on page 3, ?Armoring protects upland structures but it has the adverse effect of increasing the erosion in front of the armoring structures and adjacent properties as the system becomes sand starved? Dec. 2005.

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Re: Important meeting regarding seawalls Monday, March 13

Just imagine the lawsuits when our beach is eliminated behind all these private seawalls. There will be no beach left just like in Galveston Tx. The only thing that is going to protect our beach is to dredge sand like in west Walton Co. ASAP


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Re: Important meeting regarding seawalls Monday, March 13

Dave Rauschkolb said:
Just imagine the lawsuits when our beach is eliminated behind all these private seawalls. There will be no beach left just like in Galveston Tx. The only thing that is going to protect our beach is to dredge sand like in west Walton Co. ASAP

How soon that will happen remains to be seen. The process for eastern SoWal has started and a big sticking point will be if enough suitable sand is located. If there is not, will folks settle for sand that is less than the existing white sand that is so unique? By lowering standards recently for dune rebuilding, is it already a moot point?

In the current project in western SoWal, if they were to run out of white sand, the project would be halted. Would we just walk away or approve lesser sand to complete the project?


Beach Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
Re: Important meeting regarding seawalls Monday, March 13

Please be reminded there is a public workshop scheduled for Monday, March 13th at 5 P.M. at the South Walton courthouse annex. It is my understanding that two issues will be addressed in particular: the issue of the incidental take permits and the Habitat Conservation Plan, how it will work and who will pay for *it and the issue of *the 10 seawalls built on public property.

As taxpayers, I encourage you to attend.

If you can not attend please monitor:

www.sowal.com message board
local news papers

for further information so you can contact the county commissioners with your input and questions.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 19, 2005
From Blue Mountain Beach Community Association:

Yesterday evening Walton County held meeting that dealt with seawalls that were built under the county emergency permit, which was issued after the hurricanes last year. After the storms the commissioners said property owners needed to be allowed to do whatever they felt they needed to do to protect their property. Many beachfront property owners built walls that did not comply with state statutes and in doing so they may have created situations that will be determined to have created a ?taking? of threatened or endangered species habitat. This situation may be remedied with a Habitat Conservation Plan.

The county has said beachfront property owners have three choices.

They can put their head in the sand and do nothing. They can wait for the Feds to act, or...
They can each apply for their own Habitat Conservation Plan, something that county attorney David Hallman said could conservatively cost each of them, $250,000.00, or...
They could take part in a unified plan that the county would facilitate on behalf of the beachfront property owners who agreed to join the process. Each property would pay their fair share of the cost, which again could conservatively be $250,000.00.

The county is trying to determine how many beachfront property owners want to take part in the unified plan. Time is of the essence because grants are available to the county but the deadline is April 1, 2006. Hallman said if there is not enough interest the county will not apply for the grants. If there is enough interest the application MUST be filed soon. These grants could pay for most or even all of the cost of obtaining the Habitat Conservation Plan. If there is enough interest a second meeting may be held 3/21/06.

Hallman said beachfront property owners who joined the process would get a professionally prepared Habitat Conservation Plan. He said the cost for individual property owners could not be determined until they knew how many would join the process. It would also seem that if the county did get grants to cover most or all of the costs, the grant would significantly reduce the cost to property owners.

Hallman said those property owners not joining the process up front could be excluded or required to pay a premium for joining late. He also said he was not there to give legal advice but suggested that beachfront property owners who have not talked to an attorney who specializes in ?takings? or the other issues revolving around these seawalls could be making a mistake. He suggested they talk to such an attorney within the next 24 hours.

Hallman was clear in saying the county would not be applying for permits or the Habitat Conservation Plan on behalf of the county but only as a facilitator for beachfront property owners IF there is enough interest. The county issued 241 temporary permits for coastal armoring.

Habitat Conservation Plan could provide an out for property owners who have not complied with state statutes and create things important to the welfare of the community.

Additional information may be obtained from Walton County Deputy Building Official Gerry Demers at 850-267-2084.


Beach Fanatic
Apr 26, 2005
VERY Important meeting regarding seawalls Tuesday March 14

BCC meeting, 5pm today at the South Walton Courthouse:

Some private owners built a seawall on public beach property.

The BCC will discuss and may decide to permit or to deny private owners the right to keep their seawalls on public beach.

Ten to eleven homeowners in Seagrove built their Seawalls on the public beach and are asking the County to allow the seawalls to remain on the public beach.

This will affect public use of the beach.

These seawalls affect 2 public accesses.

If you use the beaches in Seagrove you don't want to miss this meeting.


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
Re: VERY Important meeting regarding seawalls Tuesday March 14

If we work it right, maybe the homeowners will let us park in their driveways, trudge through their living rooms, and sit out on their patio--may even be able to swing having Pina Colada's delivered (I'll have the red umbrella--not the blue one--on my pineapple spear please... :cool: )

P.S. A place to store my beach equipment and a nice warm shower to rinse off the sand would be a nice touch too.

Otherwise.....MOVE IT CLYDE!!!


Beach Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
South Walton
Re: VERY Important meeting regarding seawalls Tuesday March 14

Does anyone know where in Seagrove the 10-11 homeowners are located? Does anyone know which beach accesses are affected?
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