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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Sueshore said:
Moondance...are you in town for this meeting? Put me down for some funding if it comes to that....this issue has broad reaching impact potential for more than this area. Has anyone thought seriously about a Concerned Citizens type group to back issues of this sort? I vaguely remember some alliance from this board...can some one help my mentalpause?

Try BeachtoBay.org


Beach Comber
Feb 16, 2005
Sueshore said:
Has anyone thought seriously about a Concerned Citizens type group to back issues of this sort? I vaguely remember some alliance from this board...can some one help my mentalpause?

Or try The South Walton Community Council at <http://www.southwaltoncc.org/>

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Moondance, I have not thoroughly researched every page regarding Gulf Trace found in the Clerk of Court's Office. However, I did find two points of interest which you may persuit.

Found in the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, OR(official records) book 190 / page 17, dated 6/17/1980:

1) Page 2, par. 7, ..."The residences shall use septic tanks or sanitary sewer meeting the requirements of Walton County."...

To me, this sounds as though you, as a property owner, have a choice to use sewer.

2) page 2, par. 9, "No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any said lot or property in the subdivision nor shall anything to be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood....."

It seems to me that septic tanks polluting the beach and Gulf at Gulf Trace could certainly be deemed both an annoyance and a nuisance to the neighborhood.

I am not an attorney, not even close, but I hope this may give you some ammo.

I am sure that you, as an owner in Gulf Trace, know that, according to these same Restrictive Covenants page 3, par. 12, , "it shall be lawful for any owner of property in this subdivision to prosecute proceeds at law or in equity against such lot owner or person either to prevent the violation or to recover damages for such violation."

I wish I had more time to allocate to researching further. There may be updates or changes to these original Restrictive Covenants of which you should be aware.
Last edited:

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
Smiling JOe said:

That was the one!! Awesome site...especially the fly over photo! Thanks.

You are one of the good ones...always helping out. I'm glad you got MD's back!

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004





Just wanted to show you a little about the pond scum with whom we are fighting. James Ray was obviously posing, and showing his better side.

You might be a redneck if you park your cattle trailers in your driveway at your Gulf front homes.

I sure am glad that my neighbors are a little more friendly than JD Hogg (Boss Hogg from the Duke Boys).
SJ, we got more than bargained for with the pictures (worth only a 1,000 words?). I don't even know where to begin. I suppose it could be an advance team of vehicles to begin salvage before quick demolition?? :dunno: This is not the sort of news I was hoping for, but not entirely unexpected. :blink:

Any one have news from the BCC meeting today? I know it was a regular meeting, not called purely for septic issue, but was hoping it got some airing (wheww!). Please post whatever you have of interest. Thanks.


Beach Comber
Aug 10, 2005
Good news for all of us! Last night our County Commission voted unanimously to loan Regional Utilities approx. $400,000 required to install water and sewer lines for Gulf Trace and Bannerman Estates.

The agreement required only gulf front homeowners to get on-board with water and sewer lines immediately. Other non-gulf front owners may sign on with Regional Utilities when they choose. Regional is selling these property owners tap fees for 1/2 price and will finance the complete installation over 20 years, costing only approx. $74 per month.

Jimmy Ray and other Gulf Trace property owners have already agreed to sign up.

Regional Utilities is planning to put out a bond in the near future to fund this and other projects. The County loan will be paid back from this bond.

The other good news is that Gulf Crowder, the contracted dune lake contractor has finished their 1st pass at cleaning up Little Redfish Lake. Most large items and larger septic items have been removed and hauled away. We still need them to return to pick up the drainfield styrofoam cubes along the shoreline, but they've come a long way!

Thanks to all who pitched in sending emails, phone calls, etc to the County Commission to help pave the way for water and sewer into Gulf Trace!!!! :laughing1


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Drovner said:
Good news for all of us! Last night our County Commission voted unanimously to loan Regional Utilities approx. $400,000 required to install water and sewer lines for Gulf Trace and Bannerman Estates.

The agreement required only gulf front homeowners to get on-board with water and sewer lines immediately. Other non-gulf front owners may sign on with Regional Utilities when they choose. Regional is selling these property owners tap fees for 1/2 price and will finance the complete installation over 20 years, costing only approx. $74 per month.

Jimmy Ray and other Gulf Trace property owners have already agreed to sign up.

Regional Utilities is planning to put out a bond in the near future to fund this and other projects. The County loan will be paid back from this bond.

The other good news is that Gulf Crowder, the contracted dune lake contractor has finished their 1st pass at cleaning up Little Redfish Lake. Most large items and larger septic items have been removed and hauled away. We still need them to return to pick up the drainfield styrofoam cubes along the shoreline, but they've come a long way!

Thanks to all who pitched in sending emails, phone calls, etc to the County Commission to help pave the way for water and sewer into Gulf Trace!!!! :laughing1

Thanks for the update DR - great effort on your part. I had a good feeling that this mess would finally get taken care of. Hopefully it is a good solution for everyone and Gulf Trace will be the great neighborhood everyone wants it to be.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
kurt said:
Thanks for the update DR - great effort on your part. I had a good feeling that this mess would finally get taken care of. Hopefully it is a good solution for everyone and Gulf Trace will be the great neighborhood everyone wants it to be.

Yee-Haw! Great news! Congrats Moondance and other GT owners. Now where did I park my horse?
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