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Donna said:
First, I want to speak in support of Commissioner Meadows, who appears to have an exemplary voting record of brave positions on difficult issues. It is always difficult to be the only woman on an elected body, but I have found that the women usually exercise an independent vote that is based on the merits of the issue, as opposed to based on a position that someone else has lobbied them to. When we had questions about the sand issue (from out of State), she responded to us very quickly and with a comprehensive and persuasive point of view. We were impressed. A person who believes that women have no place in elected office needs to remember than women make up more than 50 percent of the voting population. That homeowners' rep individual's comments are unenlightened and undignified. I am certain they don't reflect the feelings of other owners in Gulf Trace.

Second, I have a question on this septic tank issue. Can someone fill me in? I do not understand how a situation that clearly poses a public health and safety hazard continues to be left in a status quo. In our local government, this kind of thing would go onto the District Attorney's desk so fast and the DA would require an immediate solution. I mean, their instructions in our County (which is far from being the most progressive around) are that the inspector's field notes on public safety conditions do not even go to word processing before they go onto the DA's desk, literally. Am I missing something...that an exposed septic tank can be left on a public beach to pollute multiple bodies of water and and beaches were people with children recreate in large numbers? I'm not being facetious, I really don't understand how this can go unresolved.

Donna, I could not agree more that this is utterly inexplicable. That's why I am asking questions and gathering info. Thanks for your thoughts. I have no opinion on Comm. Meadows since I have no experience with her at all.

Importantly, :!: Col. James Earl Ray is no homeowner's representative, as there is NO H.O.A in Gulf Trace :shock: , it is Ray Enterprise's private subdivision (as stated in the article) and it has not and will not, apparently, permit the county to provide sewer.

I agree with you 100%. I don't think it's a matter of a choice, or of the majority vs. minority, or of a vote ("only 19 out of 75," etc.), I think it's a matter of health and public safety, that the common owner is responsible for, both legally and financially. Period.

I can not wait to get there to ask the DA the same questions you raise. Anyone out there (Gulf Trace?) have other thoughts? Is there a credible answer to Donna's question?

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004

Septic tanks on the Beach? Shame on you! The only things that we should see peeking up from the sand are images like this.

It is very interesting how we all have an Out of sight, out of mind mentality. I encourage you to remember those septic tanks on the beach even if they get covered up soon. We have little kids and big kids like me, who enjoy playing in the sand on these beaches. Do you think you guys could move your septic tanks into your bedroom, because I sure don't want to be playing in them? Perhaps you are okay with the idea of smelling your own poop (like farts - your own are okay, but others' stink). What do you say?
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SoWal Guide
Staff member
Nov 15, 2004
South Walton, FL
Donna said:
First, I want to speak in support of Commissioner Meadows, who appears to have an exemplary voting record of brave positions on difficult issues. It is always difficult to be the only woman on an elected body, but I have found that the women usually exercise an independent vote that is based on the merits of the issue, as opposed to based on a position that someone else has lobbied them to.

I voted for Commissioner Cindy Meadows knowing her extensive city planning knowledge and experience, and most importantly, knowing that she is very professional and is genuinely interested in the needs of the community, not the agenda of certain political groups. In other words, she is not part of the established good old boy network - and so she is quite often in the minority when voting. I hope we can vote more like her into office in the very near future or such professionalism will never prevail in south walton. Good old boys still rule, unfortunately.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Moondance said:
What district does Comm. Meadows represent? Gulf Trace by any chance? Anyone have contact info for her? Please share if you have it. Thanks.
District 5
Commissioner Cindy Meadows
90 Spires Lane, Unit 7-A
Santa Rosa Beach, FL. 32459
Phone: (850) 622-3059
Fax: (850) 622-3067
e-mail: meacindy@co.walton.fl.us

For what it is worth, here is the County's Website.
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Beach Comber
Feb 16, 2005
Donna said:
First, I want to speak in support of Commissioner Meadows, who appears to have an exemplary voting record of brave positions on difficult issues. It is always difficult to be the only woman on an elected body, but I have found that the women usually exercise an independent vote that is based on the merits of the issue, as opposed to based on a position that someone else has lobbied them to. When we had questions about the sand issue (from out of State), she responded to us very quickly and with a comprehensive and persuasive point of view. We were impressed. A person who believes that women have no place in elected office needs to remember than women make up more than 50 percent of the voting population. That homeowners' rep individual's comments are unenlightened and undignified. I am certain they don't reflect the feelings of other owners in Gulf Trace.

Second, I have a question on this septic tank issue. Can someone fill me in? I do not understand how a situation that clearly poses a public health and safety hazard continues to be left in a status quo. In our local government, this kind of thing would go onto the District Attorney's desk so fast and the DA would require an immediate solution. I mean, their instructions in our County (which is far from being the most progressive around) are that the inspector's field notes on public safety conditions do not even go to word processing before they go onto the DA's desk, literally. Am I missing something...that an exposed septic tank can be left on a public beach to pollute multiple bodies of water and and beaches were people with children recreate in large numbers? I'm not being facetious, I really don't understand how this can go unresolved.

To this point the majority of county commissioners have claimed because this is a private subdivision they have no authority to force water and sewer on these people, despite the fact that many of them want water and sewer. I'm told commissioner Cuchens has relatives that live in this subdivision.

The health department has claimed that because there are no sewer lines available they have no choice but to allow the beachfront homeowners to hook back up to the septic tanks. State law requires home owners to hook up to sewer within a specified period of time after it becomes available but this is not enforced by the county or the health department. People are required to hook up to sewer when their systems fail IF sewer is available. In this case it is not available.

Of course one could argue the health, safety and welfare of the entire community should be considered over the desires of a few residents in the subdivision.

The septic tank drain field parts - nasty - that had blown into Little Redfish Lake from Gulf Trace were washed into the gulf and onto Blue Mountain Beach over the weekend when Little Redfish Lake opened into the gulf and washed all this material that had been piled on the beach away.
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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I think the parking signs in front of the rental office in Gulf Trace have much to tell about Mr. Ray.

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
Smiling JOe said:
I think the parking signs in front of the rental office in Gulf Trace have much to tell about Mr. Ray.

Enlighten me...
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