This "Vacation Mindset" I recognize, as I see it everyday, but I do not understand why adults leave common sense,total regard for their child's safety and respect for the safety of others at home.
I'd like to hear if others on SoWal throw caution to the wind when they go on vacation. I know when I go I try to be more cautious then at home. New places, new streets, lots of people automatically add up to an accident waiting to happen. That doesn't stop the fun.......all it takes is a little common sense and for parents/adults to be role models while teaching their kids and other children who may be vacationing with them.
Maybe a bumper sticker would help...... instead of using it on cars, just slap it on everyone's back as you pass them, You know like the sticky that says "Kick Me."
SorryI just hate to see children of any age at the edge of danger.
Gadzooks, when the boys were little, I was dven more on alert than at home. Vacations were not restful for me, far from it, when these fearless boys were little!
Maybe these parents need a grownups only vacation so they can have that carefree time, and have their brains in full gear for the times when the whole family vacations together. We would leave the boys with friends or relatives (God bless them ALL forever) for a long weekend every so often, just to go somewhere and be able to sleep late and not be responsible for the kids for a couple of days. Worked wonders.
So what would the person stickers say? Maybe Kurt will hold a contest.