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Beach Fanatic
Jul 31, 2006
I'm chiming in late. Mr. Clean told me about it the day it happened and it's been worrying me so much. I'm glad the boy is "okay," in the best sense of the word.

We moved to a very bicycle & pedestrian friendly town. There are bike paths, bike lanes and even places where the cars have to share a narrow country road with a ton of cyclists. Crosswalks have only a sign that states the NC law is to stop for anyone in a crosswalk. Because it is the norm for everyone here, there is a lot more respect from all sides, the cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles. People actually love the area because they can get around without their cars.

It's a huge difference after living in SoWal for 3 1/2 years and seeing the tourists come down and have no clue how to ride a bike, walk in traffic or even drive a car respectfully. It really can be done. I hope that more non-tourist towns convert to a more multi-use way of living soon.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 19, 2007
here & now
I have been heartbroken all day thinking that this boy had passed away. So happy to hear that he is recovering well!!!!! No matter who was at fault - wouldn't it be a good idea to have delivery trucks along 30-A only be able to deliver at certain hours? Like 6 - 8 a.m.? Maybe only during the peak tourist seasons?:dunno:

i don't think so. with all of the businesses on 30-a? with many of the vendors traveling from far away to make thoser deliveries?


Beach Lover
May 10, 2007
from the SWFDs FB site this a.m.

Lot's of visitors here in South Walton and we have seen an increase in accidents involving bicycles. Please be safe when biking on our trails, roadways and bike paths!

Facts About Bike Safety | Trails.com
Camping, Hiking, Mountain Bikes & Biking | Outdoors on Trails.com
Facts About Bike Safety. To avoid serious injury or death, safety precautions are of the utmost importance when riding a bike. Bicycle safety encompasses many aspects, from the clothing you wear to the riding habits you d...


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
The only way these people are going to get the message is if we sit out on 30A with big signs or scream at them- they are on vacation, and don't watch the local news, read the paper, or for anything but activities on the local computer sites.

The only way to change behavior is if we as a community are very vocal with those we see breaking the rules- polite, but firm. Just like we are vocal about leaving stuff on the beach at night. I have no problem with asking a parent to keep an eye on their kids, or ask a kid to follow bike safety rules. Sure, I get some dirty looks and a comment or 2, but I bet I made them think.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 11, 2007
Seagrove Beach
I nearly ran a young teenage girl over yesterday at the crosswalk on the west end of the Wheelhouse parking lot. She and her girlfriend were on the sidewalk south of 30A, and they had one of those "will I, won't I?" moments so I went ahead and completely stopped to see if they were going to cross.

It looked like they had decided on "won't" and began to continue walking on the south side, but then she had a change of heart mid-step and started to turn right into my path, without looking at me or my Jeep, just as I started to continue on my way. Fortunately, I was proceeding slowly, and could stop quickly and her friend was on the ball and yanked her backward.

The best advice I could offer tourists when they're out walking or biking is to be deliberate. I know that you're on vacation, and you want to see and do it all, but open your eyes and look around you! If you're not sure which way you want to go, take a second to stop and make a decision before you proceed!

30A IS a highway and major thoroughfare, no matter how quaint and charming it appears. Would you dance into the line of traffic on highways where you're from? It only takes a second for tragedy to strike. I'm so very glad that the boy is going to be okay, but what about the next child who does it? :dunno:
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Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
I have been heartbroken all day thinking that this boy had passed away. So happy to hear that he is recovering well!!!!! No matter who was at fault - wouldn't it be a good idea to have delivery trucks along 30-A only be able to deliver at certain hours? Like 6 - 8 a.m.? Maybe only during the peak tourist seasons?:dunno:

I think in a lot of cities deliveries are done in the wee dark hours of late night and early morning, and it makes all kids of sense for this area too, at least in peak tourist times. That wouldn't solve the problem of too many people not following basic rules of roadway safety, though.


Sep 10, 2008
Miramar Beach
I have been heartbroken all day thinking that this boy had passed away. So happy to hear that he is recovering well!!!!! No matter who was at fault - wouldn't it be a good idea to have delivery trucks along 30-A only be able to deliver at certain hours? Like 6 - 8 a.m.? Maybe only during the peak tourist seasons?:dunno:

How is restricting the hours delivery vehicles may travel on public roads going to make kids on bikes safer?:dunno:
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