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Beach Lover
Jul 23, 2016
Santa Rosa Beach
To be fair, it should be noted that Ms. Meadows has raised about the same amount.
You're correct. Meadows has raised/self donated equal amounts of funds. However she has "on the job," experience and while not all like her, or support her she has a strong advantage here and one that would command high donations.
Comparatively speaking he's raised as much if not more money than all the other districts combined. Some of the other candidates have managerial experience as well, both in business and or public service.
While his business background is not as impressive as some, it does make some wonder how his contributions are so disproportionate to others like Imfeld or Chapman. But, maybe this is the year change as some are speculating.
We shall see.

Suzanne Harris

Beach Fanatic
Aug 19, 2008
You are children, if you want to make snide comments about someone be a man or a lady with purple hair and have guts enough to sign your real name. If you are suggesting there is something in someone past you better be able to prove it. Stop hiding in the dark like a snake.


Beach Lover
Mar 29, 2008
First off ladies and gentlemen, I posted this to talk about the reasons I like Tony Anderson.Not for you to get on here and bash me or him. I'm not a child nor am I a snake. Coming from the only person on here that signs a real name. If you are in fact Suzanne Harris good for you. Please don't bash someone for having a difference of opinion. As Misty said earlier you don't have to post on the site.

Phil Good

Beach Lover
Jun 17, 2016
Blue Mountain
You are children, if you want to make snide comments about someone be a man or a lady with purple hair and have guts enough to sign your real name. If you are suggesting there is something in someone past you better be able to prove it. Stop hiding in the dark like a snake.
i think I'll keep playing with my little toy poodle a while longer.

Don't you have another lawsuit to lose?


Beach Lover
Mar 29, 2008
And furthermore there are so many blatant lies on here who needs the truth when they hide behind a keyboard


Dec 15, 2011
And furthermore there are so many blatant lies on here who needs the truth when they hide behind a keyboard

Who is hiding besides you and @Phil Good? How many different people are logging into either the "earl" or "Phil Good" account? Sock puppets and trolls.


Dec 15, 2011
i think I'll keep playing with my little toy poodle a while longer.

Don't you have another lawsuit to lose?

What lawsuit has Ms. Harris filed against the County and/or its operatives that shes lost? Oh that's right there isn't one.
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