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Beach Lover
Mar 29, 2008
What lawsuit has Ms. Harris filed against the County and/or its operatives that shes lost? Oh that's right there isn't one.
Why are you posting for a women that is obviously reading the post ..seriously, answer your own question please


Dec 15, 2011
Why would anyone login my account other than me. And misty really I thought we were passed that's not your name!!

Everyone knows what my real name is. What's your point? Wait...don't even answer that. You don't have one!


Dec 15, 2011
Why are you posting for a women that is obviously reading the post ..seriously, answer your own question please
I was asking if you had inside info to a lawsuit she filed and lost. Evidently you don't.

Danny Glidewell

Beach Fanatic
Mar 26, 2008
First of all I post under my name. Been here all of my life and plan to stay the rest of my time. For better or worse that is my mug to the left. I was raised to say what I think and say it in the open to that person. I do not agree with anyone on everything but will work with anyone to improve the county and our way of life. I worked is law enforcement 25+ years: 16 years for Quinn McMillian, 6 years for Ralph Johnson and 4 years for the Board of County Commissioners. I graduated from Troy University and have been married for 28 years with 4 grown children. I now work as a sports official calling 4 sports. My phone numbers and e-mail address are common knowledge and I am not hiding from anyone. So I say that to say this. It is a shame that we cannot discuss the future of our county without attacking people behind screen names, personal attacks, innuendo and rude behavior and a total absence of issues that we need to work on. I'll say anything to your face that I say here. I'll be respectful to you and honor your right to your opinion and ask you return to favor.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Lake
Danny, Thanks for "Keeping it real " - I know that politics tend to bring out the emotion and in some case the "Worst in People" and I have no doubt that most people want the best for the county. I am also well aware of the reputation and past performance of our county government, the mistakes, the corruption and most importantly the poor overall performance of our elected officials - And I make that statement as an overall grade of everyone and not each individual person who volunteers their time to serve the community. I have been a property owner here for 16 years, been a full time resident for 7 and like to think I am involved - and to makes things worse, I am a DAMN YANKEE!! I can cut through all this BS and crap that everyone posts here and read everyone like a book, like or not. So that said, thank you Danny for the common sense and dignity you exhibit, thanks to every one else who aspires to make Walton County a better place for locals and tourists. For those of you that fall on the other side of the equation, think of how a New Yorker would tell you that you are number 1!! God Bless America and where is Ronald Reagan when we need him!!


Dec 15, 2011
I could ask Kurt that my name be changed but people here would still call me Misty so, I don't see that it makes any difference.

I'm not hiding and people who really really know me will tell you, I don't say anything here or on my Facebook page that I would not say directly to the person I am talking about. You may not like how I tell it but I don't pull punches especially about politics. Dirty politics gets on my last nerve as do people who brag about the last 7 or 8 elections they bought.

The people I know, respect and call my friends also know ALL my history...what my life is or what it has been, about my drop dead, successful and gorgeous daughter and grand daughter. Just like everyone else there may or may not be skeletons in my past that have nothing what so ever to do with me or my opinions about political candidates.

Whether you are gay or straight or somewhere in between, whether you claim a certain religion or not makes no difference. I stay out of religious discussions because I don't embrace religion but have respect for all religions but not necessarily those who falsely embrace it when it suits them. I support privacy for private citizens and just as Trump and Hillary have been drug through the political ringer, I think ANY candidate or incumbent who wants a position in local government should expect that citizens want to make informed decisions and their personal life (especially when put on PUBLIC display) is NOT sanctioned conversation because it makes them look like an like a$$ and ruins credibility.

The fact certain folks are attacking me in regard to "Misty" when obviously @Phil Good and @earl are pseudonyms also speaks volumes to the agendas here.

Last edited:


Dec 15, 2011

Suzanne Harris

Beach Fanatic
Aug 19, 2008
So silly , sock puppets who just appeared. Guess Scott got too well know by his old ones. Go for it just be sure you do not make a mistake when you talk about someone. Everyone knows Misty, so grow up and use your name.
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