I'm sure you'll get some great pizza dough recipes but I cheat. Trader Joe's has wonderful dough and it costs less than 99 cents. I think you'll be getting a TJs in Atlanta some time soon, won't you? Give it a go whenever you're in there.
I'm a great cook and a lousy baker, too. I think it's a rare bird who's good in both departments. When you think of it, though, it makes sense that it's hard to be both. Baking requires precision--you must accurately measure and weigh and follow directions to a T. Cooking? Well, in my kitchen the recipe is the
starting point. I almost always improvise from the recipe, adjusting this, subtracting that, etc. That's the kiss of death for baking!! I've long since given up on trying to be a good baker though I think my husband the engineer would make a fine one. More his line than mine.