30-gAy said:Clearly, we need a gay bar.
With karaoke and a drag show. It would be packed every night, and so much funn!
30-gAy said:Clearly, we need a gay bar.
Mango said:There Biff. There you have your new biz!
You could have a gay bar, selling weinies, and a pizza delivery guy in drag! :funn:
Biff said:OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mango, I already have venture capitalists IM'ing and calling me!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
Most Excellent... Actually looks like I will be re-locating sooner than later now..... BWHHAAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Biff said:
Hello all; My very first post. been reading the board and posts now for a while. First off, I am grateful to have found your internet community and do look forward to taking part in your forums/communications.
I have been coming to SoWal for 20 plus years; my wife and her family started in the 60's, in Destin... most recently my wife and I are very appreciative of the Grayton-Seaside H20 Color and Rosemary beach area.
To prelude my question/poll; we plan on re-locating to SoWal in a short while. I am a business owner in the Midwest and looking at different options to support our "habit".... and living where we really do want to live.....
Question: What services/business/offerings would you like to see in your area... For example... we never can find a REALLY GOOD pizza Delivery service while on vacation in SoWal... MOST likely because we don't have the "in" or have been properly informed of such.......floor: ) THIS IS only an example. However; what do you feel the community is lacking in and what would you like to have whether it be in food service; professional services; entertainment;Better yet; what do you feel that there is an over abundance of... or otherwise????