
Seaside Academic Village Moves Out on 18 Wheels

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The Seaside Institute’s Academic Village was completed in August 2013, a long-desired addition to the Lyceum area in Seaside. The cottages have been moved to allow construction of larger buildings as part of the Lyceum's original plan. The seven Katrina cottages were sold to a private group of investors, who intend to repurpose them.

The purpose of the village was to provide much-needed affordable housing for students, faculty and professionals who travel to Seaside to study or to participate in the town’s civic and cultural events. Located right in the middle of the Seaside community, the Academic Village provided the community with access to a wide variety of people who could share their talents and teach and inspire others.

“I will miss the Katrina Cottages,” stated Robert Davis, co-founder of Seaside. The period before their arrival in Seaside was fraught with conflict and confusion. A few people created a campaign that convinced quite a few more that Seaside would be ruined by a trailer camp. When they finally were placed around a courtyard forming the Academic Village, artfully designed by Dhiru Thadani, many of those who vociferously opposed the project told me how pleased they were by the Village and how happy they were that we did not bring trailers to Seaside,” added Davis.
