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Beach Fanatic
Feb 18, 2016
If you think I'm happy with our County Government, you really are delusional. The 3 mile figure was one I saw somewhere else in this gumbo of threads.

Roughly 9 miles if you count state parks. About 3 that are either Walton County owned or show no ownership on WC property appraiser's site, but are treated as public.

Beach days

Beach Lover
Jul 2, 2017
If anyone knows when huckabee's coming back in town. I will personally set up the cooler of beer. for fishing from beach in front of his house. I wonder how many of the local people can stand in front of his and for how many days .I'll take the night shift when not so hot

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
Roughly 9 miles if you count state parks. About 3 that are either Walton County owned or show no ownership on WC property appraiser's site, but are treated as public.
I wasn't counting State Parks since you have to pay to enter. I was referring to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which has been the Customary Use of the Beach. Arrogance and Red tide annoy me.


Beach Lover
Aug 6, 2005
If anyone knows when huckabee's coming back in town. I will personally set up the cooler of beer. for fishing from beach in front of his house. I wonder how many of the local people can stand in front of his and for how many days .I'll take the night shift when not so hot
Deputy will be there withing ten minutes. Stand your ground.

Be sure not to wear a tee-shirt that reads "Hucksters for CU!"

I will call CNN.

Shannon Lince

Beach Lover
Sep 9, 2018
Shannon Lince, know many beachfront owners applaud your informed and factual posts; and the other private property rights advocate posts as well. Know too that your factual reasoning is lost on those that are ignorant of the legal doctrine of custom. Sorry for the long post - got on a roll.

Even though the obscure old English common law doctrine of custom flies in the face of the United States of America’s Constitutional protection of private property rights; has anyone actually read Sir William Blackstone 1765–1769 Commentaries, just Walton’s claim of “ancient” fails the common law test - even not considering that it contravenes the Constitution. Less than a hundred years of affidavits is not ancient - much less comply with legal rules of evidence. Dr Miller’s expert evidence is vague and circumstantial at best. Many US and State courts over a hundred years ago in the late 1800s and early 1900s (ancient?) agreed the criteria of ancient custom in America is not valid because no American legal custom can be before the memory of man [Graham v. Walker: 78 Conn. 130, 61 A. 98 (1905)].

Beachfront owners like BlueMtnBeachVagrant have been posting customary use facts here since 2007 (does that qualify for ancient?), lazin&drinkin, FactorFiction, john-g, patriot-games, and many others I have failed to list, have posted facts about private property rights. I understand why BlueMtnBeachVagrant gave up posting for a while, I have grown tired of the inane rambling of customary use “opinions” and stopped posting facts that show the emotional ignorant posts of vocal customary users are just that - baseless emotional opinions.

Like the ridiculous $100 quit claim deeds theory, quite title (that’s one of the least understood), Mike Huckabee is responsible for HB631. “Boomerang” posted and accused me and FactorFiction of being Huckabee. Mike Huckabee is a celebrity that worked hard and earned his way, lives on the beach and an easy target for the conspiracy theorist; but he is no more responsible for HB631 than I am. That Florida beaches are being "privatized"; they were and are already private property with all the property rights owners north of 30A or Hwy 98 have - if not why is the Sheriff havening to come up with procedures to (not) enforce trespass? Or you have to be a “local” to know what you are talking about SoWal and customary use. This Forum proves that is not true. I’ve been here for many decades.

The ludicrous hypothesis that deeded private dry sand is not taxed by Walton County or that it is worthless because it can’t be built on is baseless dribble. Beach property can be physically built on (Walton wants to build a SoWal beach pier), but Governments have used their police powers to regulate use and not issue building permits to build on the beach. To say the Government regulates and prohibits building on beach; therefore the beach can’t be built on, therefore the dry sand beach is worthless because it can't be built on, and the Government should use eminent domain and purchase worthless beachfront - is defies logic or reason. Politicians can tell owners HOW to use your private beachfront [within Constitutional limits] but not WHO can use your private beachfront property - only the courts can tell you WHO. That's why the Florida legislature overwhelmingly passed HB631 - to stop counties like Walton from abusing their police powers by declaring customary use without due process for political means.

Shannon Lince, private beachfront owners are a minority and facts only matter in court - not here or social media. Constitutionally protected private property rights and Walton BCC's claim of common law public customary use on private property will be settled in the courts. Join the other many beachfront owners and encourage other beachfront owners to seek a legal advice to intervene in Walton BCC customary use litigation. Don’t stop posting the facts but know the facts will fall on covered ears of ignorance.

Thanks and agree. I've been reading this forum for long time, never had a desire to post until all the misinformation was being repeated in that disaster of a public hearing. My father was one of the top labor attorneys in the nation, I followed in his footsteps. He certainly would not approve of what's going on here.

2007? When did "customary use" first come on the radar do you recall? and by who?

I would also like to see HB631 repealed. Repeal would mean the end of customary use in Florida.

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