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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
I'm not a beachfront owner or someone who really has a dog in the hunt, but I'm ready for this matter to be settled by the courts. After reading most of the arguments from both sides, it seems to be a question of whether English common law trumps established laws. I kind of thought the Revolutionary War did away with the ancient laws of England.
Not all common law but laws that contradict the Constitution of the United States like the ancient English common law of custom. The motion that customary use contradicts the Constitution (5th and 14th amendments) is in front of Judge Green now. Thanks.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
No. Admitting nothing. In the Walton quiet title litigation between private property owners there was NO encumbrance that might invalidate or impair or cloud the parcel owner's title.
Are you sure this is the case for ALL quiet title cases in Walton County or just the one in BMB?


Beach Comber
May 3, 2019
South Walton
5 County Commissioners in Walton County voted 5 to zero to affirm Customary Use as an ordinance. 5 County Commissioners voted 5 to zero to proceed with the process set forth in HB 631. 14,000 people signed affidavits affirming they have customarily used our beaches dispite claims private beachfront owners dispute that use. It's in the courts and we will see the outcome. I am confident those who have used the beaches as they always have will have their customary use affirmed regardless of private ownership. It's pretty simple. We will tell anyone willing to listen what we believe. We all have a right to continue using our beaches as we always have. The opposing view disagrees. They say the beaches have always been private. It's a matter of opinion. Sorry if you folks feel overwhelmed with sentiment towards customary use; more people just believe what we believe; that will always be the case. I'm sorry you feel outnumbered on this subject; the truth is you will always be outnumbered; just wait until this issue enters the national dialog. We are standing up for our beliefs and you, yours.

There will always be bad actors, out of control with personal attacks. We don't condone that, nor can we control that as people say and do things on impulse without thinking; plenty of examples of Private Beachfront owners treating beachgoers with disrespect. We, Florida Beaches For All, do not personally attack people and have treated those with private property on the beaches with respect. We will defend ourselves when attacked though. I am sure those folks at Florida Coastal Property Rights don't condone bad actors on the other side either.

You have all heard me on the record many times in the public realm in many BCC/County meetings vocalize that we should treat each other with respect. When we participated in the Stand your Sand events I asked participants to conduct themselves with respect and they did with no incidents. I have been called all sorts of names and lists of Customary use advocates have been published as though they are criminals on the Watchdog Blog (recently removed). Attempts to intimidate any and all Customary Use advocates that number in the tens of thousands have and will fail. Attempts to silence hard working Realtors on their opinions supporting Customary Use have and will fail. Attempts to call us all liars who just need to accept private beaches will fail. It's pretty clear we are all in this for the long run. I have had, for years civil discussions with opposing opinions; many of whom are my friends. We just disagree with you Reggie Gaskins or whoever you are with your fake name and all you others who don't stand out of the shadows as yourselves.

This utterly silly attempt at trying to paint CU supporters as ruining the legacy of 30A is truly ridiculous and yet another desperate tactic to silence the voices of ordinary beachgoers who have used the beaches for generations. The actions of a handful of private beachfront owners, political operatives, politicians and past politicians and lawyers going all the way back to the stop beach nourishment movement are responsible for any legacy damage that has and may occur. Our beaches have and aways have defined our 30A legacy and the actions of the few have damaged that legacy. It's about OUR beaches and we are going to work on many tracks regardless of intimidation, shaming or whatever may come to affirm our rights to continue using our beaches. A Judge in Walton County will decide, then many others will decide in other courts. Or, perhaps the people of Florida will decide. One way or the other this goes far beyond any of us. We hope to restore our Walton County beaches to their natural balance; shared, Customary Use. That's our aim and it's our opinion, that we have always had a right to those beaches and nothing and no one is going to stop us from using whatever legal means to that end.
"We, Florida Beaches For All, do not personally attack people and have treated those with private property on the beaches with respect." REALLY? Uh, what about all of the doxxing that Daniel Uhlfelder (FBFA's attorney) and you have done? Only just recently FCPR President was doxxed by FBFA on Twitter... That is not respect. I know of no BFPO who has posted personal addresses of CU Advocates on any social media site. Yet there is a history of FBFA doing that. So, I think you need to correct your statement about not making personal attacks. Doxxing has no place in this discussion. As Chairman of FBFA you control that. So stop it!


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
Are you sure this is the case for ALL quiet title cases in Walton County or just the one in BMB?
Are you sure this is NOT the case for ANY beachfront quiet title cases in Walton county? Repeat, IF Walton BBC could stop or reverse the private beachfront property quiet title of public property; don't you think they would? Walton beachfront quiet titles I know of, which ones do you know that do not, are between private property owners. Not public property. Powerpoint slides do not change that fact.
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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
"We, Florida Beaches For All, do not personally attack people and have treated those with private property on the beaches with respect." REALLY? Uh, what about all of the doxxing that Daniel Uhlfelder (FBFA's attorney) and you have done? Only just recently FCPR President was doxxed by FBFA on Twitter... That is not respect. I know of no BFPO who has posted personal addresses of CU Advocates on any social media site. Yet there is a history of FBFA doing that. So, I think you need to correct your statement about not making personal attacks. Doxxing has no place in this discussion. As Chairman of FBFA you control that. So stop it!
Don't forget Dave Rauschkolb's 11/14/2018 [retaliatory IMO] Walton Sheriff Police Report, Case: 2018-00167899, that people called Dave names and "felt threatened by some posts" against James Lince that was dismissed by the State Attorney's Office. I think Sheriff's report is on the internet.
Customary Use Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy


Beach Fanatic
Nov 10, 2009
I agree with you FBB. Thank you for treating me with respect however I do believe that you enjoy a privilege that others will not have even though they work just as hard as you and your family.

I agree with you Dave. Unfortunately you disrespect by using words like "silly" and "ridiculous" etc. I will continue to disagree with your tactic of moral superiority. In my opinion it is hypocritical. Believe it or not I am on the side of Customary Use but not the tactics being used.

Teresa I hear what you are saying and I know that you try very hard to be respectful but one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. For me it is about the whole bunch of apples not just CU or Property Rights. Does it really have to all or nothing? Is it just not possible to reason with property owners at all?

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Don't forget Dave Rauschkolb's 11/14/2018 [retaliatory IMO] Walton Sheriff Police Report, Case: 2018-00167899, that people called Dave names and "felt threatened by some posts" against James Lince that was dismissed by the State Attorney's Office. I think Sheriff's report is on the internet.
Customary Use Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy

So glad you brought that up. The investigation was in response to an anonymous blog. The original blog initially was impersonating the Walton County ideas for visioning quality of life Facebook page. The name of the blog was Walton County ideas and visioning blog or something very similar to that (We have copies of the entire content of the blog so if necessary I can give you the exact name.). Many, many screenshots were taken from the legitimate, private Visions Facebook Group and were used to “out” CU supporters. Because the author of the blog was anonymous and the blog posted a very large list of customary use supporters as well as allowed personal attacks and name-calling of customary use supporters, several if us felt threatened. Think about it folks, an anonymous person comes out with a social networking platform that allows this kind of thing. In this polarized political age any fanatical person might become a bad actor or do something unseemly based on the tone of the anonymous blog and the content. How would you feel? The sheriff investigated because of this. We had no idea who was doing it and we later found out it was James Lince. Over a month ago Mr. Lince took down the list of Customary Use supporters and also one of the posts that labeled me as a communist and socialist, which I am neither. Mr. Lince and I had very constructive communication and I felt and appreciated he was being fair by taking those things down. He later for some reason, deleted his Twitter Watchdog account as well as the very extensive blog that was eventually named the “Watchdog blog“, that started out anonymously. Sheriff Adkinson and his investigator determined that no liable existed nor what was posted actually constituted a legal threat in the anonymous blog. The investigation was never into James Lince it was into the anonymous blog. We only later found out it was Mr Lince‘s after the investigation was complete.

And I might add, that we saw no reason to draw a bunch of attention to this however you have decided it might be useful to try to characterize this as an attack on Mr. Lince when that is not the case at all. He was anonymous at the time. So, just setting the record straight so the truth may be out there for all to see. I harbor no ill will towards Mr. Lince and am appreciative that this chapter appears to be closed.
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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
I agree with you FBB. Thank you for treating me with respect however I do believe that you enjoy a privilege that others will not have even though they work just as hard as you and your family.

I agree with you Dave. Unfortunately you disrespect by using words like "silly" and "ridiculous" etc. I will continue to disagree with your tactic of moral superiority. In my opinion it is hypocritical. Believe it or not I am on the side of Customary Use but not the tactics being used.

Teresa I hear what you are saying and I know that you try very hard to be respectful but one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. For me it is about the whole bunch of apples not just CU or Property Rights. Does it really have to all or nothing? Is it just not possible to reason with property owners at all?
I fail to understand why I "enjoy a privilege that others will not have". Do you imply that I have not earned what I receive or the law does not apply to me?

Property owners have offered compromise (Mike Huckbee for one) and was rejected out of hand. The Walton BCC rejected most recommendations of their own Customary use Committee (which included Mike Huckabee, see previous post) recommendations. The Walton BCC line in the sand was drawn when the BCC declared customary use of private property without due process and litigation against 4,500 of their own citizen property owner tax payers for political purposes, costing 650+ beachfront owners a lot of money - unless owners prevail - then it could cost Walton tax payers a lot of money. CUers just aggravated and elevated it with their tactics and rhetoric.

A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
A right or liberty granted as a favor or benefit especially to some and not others.
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Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2017
Santa Rosa Beach
So glad you brought that up. The investigation was in response to an anonymous blog.
Dave Rauschkolb, did you or will you file a Walton police report of CUer Chas Galloway violent gun video that appears to be filmed on Seaside private beachfront property near your restaurant? The video is not even anonymous. A video you characterize "that anyone of sound mind would approve of it as well as the leadership of Florida Beaches for all is a lie."

You do not feel threaten or fear for the public's safety by the Chas Galloway's video? If not, why not, if you felt threatened by an anonymous blogger written words that were far less menacing?
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Beach Fanatic
Oct 16, 2008
Don't forget Dave Rauschkolb's 11/14/2018 [retaliatory IMO] Walton Sheriff Police Report, Case: 2018-00167899, that people called Dave names and "felt threatened by some posts" against James Lince that was dismissed by the State Attorney's Office. I think Sheriff's report is on the internet.
Customary Use Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy
It is not up to you to decide what people feel threatened by.
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