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katie blue

kt loo
Mar 11, 2005
in perpetual motion
I noticed last Saturday that they demolished and removed the brown wooden Octagonal house on Green St--the one that was damaged by Ivan and never fixed back up. You Seacresters know exactly which one I mean. It's now an empty sand lot. Wonder if Aquatera bought that one for an access?


Beach Fanatic
Jul 31, 2005
Mermaid said:
Unplugged, I think you should do us all a big public service by going down to Aquatera yourself and reporting back. As you can see, we're all pretty well useless about keeping to the specifics. (Even though we try! Really... ;-) )
You're absolutely right Mermaid! Well, I was at the intro party last Friday night - unfortunately, many local SoWalers missed it. Very nice catering, hor'dourves, bar, etc. The crowd was a bit noisy during the presentation and the speakers lacked that 'wow' factor. But I like the project for all the reasons stated by Paula. We are also REALTORS? and will likely refer some of our clients into the project if it is a good fit.

The parting gift that was offered to each guest as they left was outstanding and a nice touch - don't you think InletBchDweller? :clap_1:


SoWal Insider
Feb 14, 2006
Prairieville, La
Unplugged said:
You're absolutely right Mermaid! Well, I was at the intro party last Friday night - unfortunately, many local SoWalers missed it. Very nice catering, hor'dourves, bar, etc. The crowd was a bit noisy during the presentation and the speakers lacked that 'wow' factor. But I like the project for all the reasons stated by Paula. We are also REALTORS? and will likely refer some of our clients into the project if it is a good fit.

The parting gift that was offered to each guest as they left was outstanding and a nice touch - don't you think InletBchDweller? :clap_1:

Yes the parting gift was nice, I think I had tooooooooo much champange, I ended up with 2 parting gifts, a glass, and a coconut!!!:rotfl: The CD is nice I have been playing it quite a bit.....

The speakers were lacking "wow" factor, I was standing in line for fried lobster tails so my eyes were on that...:rotfl:

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
InletBchDweller said:

Yes the parting gift was nice, I think I had tooooooooo much champange, I ended up with 2 parting gifts, a glass, and a coconut!!!:rotfl: The CD is nice I have been playing it quite a bit.....

The speakers were lacking "wow" factor, I was standing in line for fried lobster tails so my eyes were on that...:rotfl:

:rotfl: ...a coconut...that's nutty!!! :D Uh, I mean how nice of the people of Aquatera to bless you with a coconut.


SoWal Insider
Feb 14, 2006
Prairieville, La
Sueshore said:
:rotfl: ...a coconut...that's nutty!!! :D Uh, I mean how nice of the people of Aquatera to bless you with a coconut.

:blush: Actually I think I just flat out "took it" and smuggled it out in my purse. I think?? the sushi roller said that I could have it??? dont really remember much:dunno:, it was part of the sushi table display....

Just call me the coconut bandit...ooohhhhhhh a new avatar???? :clap_1:

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
InletBchDweller said:

:blush: Actually I think I just flat out "took it" and smuggled it out in my purse. I think?? the sushi roller said that I could have it??? dont really remember much:dunno:, it was part of the sushi table display....

Just call me the coconut bandit...ooohhhhhhh a new avatar???? :clap_1:

:funn: how many units did you buy????


Beach Fanatic
Feb 21, 2005
Gee, let me just bring one other point that you have to figure in the cost of a real estate investment. That is opportunity cost. On a 700k condo investment, if you purchased it for cash, the opportunity cost would be about 35k....the amount of money you could earn risk-free on the 700k. Back to Aquatera.

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
goofer44 said:
Gee, let me just bring one other point that you have to figure in the cost of a real estate investment. That is opportunity cost. On a 700k condo investment, if you purchased it for cash, the opportunity cost would be about 35k....the amount of money you could earn risk-free on the 700k. Back to Aquatera.
Well go ahead and chop that down to about $24,000 since you do pay taxes on interest earned. ;-)

Camp Creek Kid

Christini Zambini
Feb 20, 2005
Seacrest Beach
katie blue said:
I noticed last Saturday that they demolished and removed the brown wooden Octagonal house on Green St--the one that was damaged by Ivan and never fixed back up. You Seacresters know exactly which one I mean. It's now an empty sand lot. Wonder if Aquatera bought that one for an access?

KB, you are SO smart! I just checked the property appraiser's site and Zohouri (owner of Aquatera) bought that house for 4.3 mil in December. I do not like the idea of all those people on our quiet stretch of beach! What a bummer :pissed: .
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