PLEASE please don’t hold your breath too long. Don’t want to lose another very credible source of information.
Ya, I don't get the statements about evil, greedy, sneaky BFOs, protecting Constitutionally protected property rights, trying "yet another desperate tactic to silence the voices of ordinary beachgoers".
Customary Use Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy
When asked to come out in an relatively open forum to take positions already taken in public with facts, not rhetoric and shout downs? Nothing! Guess when you think you are right in the darkness of the closed antisocial media Facebook forums and you repeat what you believe enough times, you just believe CU of private property using an archaic English legal doctrine is right. The question is why? What alternative facts are there to dispute the property right facts on this thread and to warrant spending many many millions of Walton tax payer's dollars?
I guess if you can't stand the Sunshine of the facts ... "If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell" Carl Sandburg.
Medical Daily.
When Arguing, People Who Can't Use Facts Use Morals
"Overall, these findings show how strong bias can be in the face of facts, and suggest the ways in which political and ideological polarization occurs. “We’ve learned that bias is a disease, and to fight it we need a healthy treatment of facts and education,” the researchers wrote. “We find that when facts are injected into the conversation, the symptoms of bias become less severe. But unfortunately, we’ve also learned the facts can only do so much."
Source: Friesen J, Campbell T, Kay A. The Psychological Advantage of Unfalsifiability: The Appeal of Untestable Religious and Political Ideologies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2015.
Or just pretend the facts are not there and stay in the closed antisocial media "echo chamber". No CU credibility.
The Walton Commissioners lit the flame of public customary use of private property firestorm as far back as 2007. BFOs connected the Commissioner's CU dots over the years. FBFA and antisocial media have fanned the flames since 2016, not based on the Constitution but a strategy that might makes right! Right? "Sorry if you folks [property rights advocates] feel overwhelmed with sentiment towards customary use; more people just
believe what we
believe; that will always be the case." Based on what!? Because you read it on an internet slide, shown to be wrong on this thread, from a bizarre CU provocateur (and I'm being nice)?
If there was any question that Believers of public customary use of private property
really want to find alternatives to litigation with beach enforcement; the Commissioners already have a duty to all Walton citizens to do, " one is going to stop us from using whatever legal means to that end [CU]." As long as it's tax payer's money.
Customary Use Will Destroy Our 30A Legacy
OK with Defendant BFOs if litigation is what it takes. If BFOs prevail the Walton tax payer may be paying both sides for Commissioners' and CUers
I'm almost glad FBFA is intervening in Commissioners' litigation against 4,671 BFOs. I'm sure the FBFA attorney will be a huge help, if his beach antics and heritage rhetoric are any indication, in the legal proceedings to Walton's $425/hour attorney Theriaque (said sarcastically). CUnCourt.