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Beach Fanatic
Oct 11, 2005
6 months later, and I still like the Hilton house way more than the neighbor.

I sure hope they open it up for a tour when they finish it. I'd love to see the inside. If not, maybe Kurt can talk them into letting him shoot it.


Beach Comber
Jun 20, 2006
We just saw the Hilton house on vacation. We thought it was Hilton as in Paris but found out Charlie Hilton is from Louisville (as are we). I think he owns a concrete company. Sorry I don't think you will be seeing Paris anytime soon.


Beach Lover
Jan 17, 2005
Columbus, OH
You know, one of the things I love about South Walton is the variety and oddities. Every time I come down here I drive around looking at everything that's been built in the past six months. It's so much more fun than Columbus, OH where virtually all of the housing looks pretty much the same,...very boring. Our house here in Columbus is pretty typical, inside and out, very conservative, nice but sort of dull. But, our house at the beach is sort of like the leaning tower of Pisa and filled with flamingos and color. It's known as Paradise Romantica and you can find pictures at www.GarrettRealty.com. It's where we let our hair down, relax and have fun. No one needs a beach house, much less a beach mansion, but it sure makes life interesting and more fun. Personally, I love the photos from above the Hilton House that show it's true design, "Winged Dove" and I also find the juxtapostion of the Georgian Mansion and the ultra modern Hilton house amusing. I, for one, love that people are able to express themselves here and hope that never changes.


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
Paradise Sea said:
I, for one, love that people are able to express themselves here and hope that never changes.

.....as long as it complies subdivision covenents. (Try painting your house at Aly's flamingo pink and see what happens) :D


Beach Comber
May 22, 2007
Houston, TX
Bringing this post back from the dead but...

I visited here for my 3rd time this past may and drove by this house on the way to my condo. I was amazed, being an architecture student here in houston, I had to know more about the house. So I approached it from a beach one day and got as close as I was allowed to but still wasn't happy. So I emailed Mr. Dyson (the architect) and he was happy enough to send me more pictures. This is all I have at my work computer, but there's more at home.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 15, 2005
30-A Corridor
Bringing this post back from the dead but...

I visited here for my 3rd time this past may and drove by this house on the way to my condo. I was amazed, being an architecture student here in houston, I had to know more about the house. So I approached it from a beach one day and got as close as I was allowed to but still wasn't happy. So I emailed Mr. Dyson (the architect) and he was happy enough to send me more pictures. This is all I have at my work computer, but there's more at home.

Thanks for posting! I for one would love a tour.
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