I'm happy to report that everything looks fine on the beach. In fact, I agree with Smiling JOe--it appears that there is actually MORE sand on the beaches. The private beach access that the Cottages at Camp Creek shares with the neighboring streets is intact and very sturdy. All of the walkovers that were rebuilt after Dennis are in great shape. There is no debris of any kind on the beach--just lots and lots of foam.
The small piles of sand from scraping that are along the dune line are still there there doesn't appear to be any significant dune erosion at all. The bottom step of our access is almost covered with sand whereas yesterday at about 6 p.m. it had a six-inch drop.
There was a house that had trucked in sand and last night I was sure that all of that sand would be washed away. I was surprised to see that the new sand was still there and there was very little erosion to it.
All-in-all as far as I can tell, the beaches faired well and there was no property damage. Everyone rest easy about SoWal and lets concentrate on doing what we can to help our neighbors in NOLA, Biloxi, and Mobile. I would recommend that you NOT come down to check on your properties. Lets keep the roads open for the evacuees to get back to their homes. Everything here is suprisingly fine.